17 : Vulnerability

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Senjuro gripped his broom tightly while staring at the menacing Shinobu in front of him. Her smile was sweet and small, but the rest of her screamed 'deadly, do not approach'. He pointed his shaky finger towards the house and watched her sweetly walk towards the door. When she went to open the door, it opened on it's own revealing Shinjuro and you.

"Oh, Shinobu. Hello. I was about to head back." You said blankly. Shinjuro just shrugged.

"Just leave me the hell alone you buncha wannabes." He growled and slammed the door shut. You could tell shinobu was angry, but right then she had other things to worry about. She quickly touched your forehead and narrowed her eyes.

"Why did you come here to begin with?" She questioned quietly so Senjuro couldn't hear. "You're quite hot as well..."

"I had to speak with Shinjuro-san about something private. It couldn't wait for this damned fever to go away." You spoke in a matter of fact tone. She nodded and grabbed your wrist tightly and began pulling you. "W-wait! At least let me say goodbye to Senjuro!" She stopped and roughly dropped your wrist letting you do as you pleased. "Sorry, kiddo. Looks like I gotta go." You knelt down in front of him and grabbed his hands. "Next time you see me, I'll be better, and I'll take you out to the town for a day of fun, okay?" He nodded sweetly and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You, in response, tenderly stroked the back of his head before standing up and waving bye to the boy.

"Seriously... what's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Shinobu gave attitude as she pulled on your wrist once again. "Aoi-chan is waiting in town, so let's go." You nodded and didn't put up much of a fight, much to her surprise. She thought you'd whine and kick your feet about being drug back to the place you usually dreaded most.

"Is Kyojuro still doing okay? I left while he was sleeping..." you guiltily bowed your head.

Shinobu shrugged, "You'll see for yourself once we get there. I'm not sure how happy you'll be to see him, though. He seemed pretty angry."

You didn't speak another word, only took in your surroundings. You could smell the sweet aroma of flowers that decorated the fence of someone's large yard, and also the food from nearby restaurants. It filled your dull senses to the maximum as you approached Aoi. She sat on a bench near the road watching people pass by. When she noticed you two, she seemed to perk up and stood to her feet with a glare. It was obviously fake, she was glad you were okay... for the most part.

Before she got to utter a single word, you bowed deeply. "I'm very sorry for causing you such trouble! I hope you forgive my insolent actions, I am indebted to you for taking such good care of me!" This seemed to catch both of them off guard, it was rare for you to apologize for causing trouble, much less speak in such a respectful way. Aoi stuttered trying to find words, but she was left speechless. How could she reprimand someone who spoke to her like that? It wasn't possible.

"Let's get going, you're only going to get worse if we don't make it back before dark." Shinobu huffed and started dragging you behind her once again. All three of you were oddly quiet as you walked back to the butterfly mansion. They could tell something about you was different, but they couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

You suddenly stopped in your tracks, pulling Shinobu as she tried to continue walking. "Shinobu-san. Aoi-san. May I speak what's on my mind?" You asked as if you were their prisoner with restrictions on your speech. Shinobu nodded. "After the fight with Akaza, I... I feel more vulnerable than ever. It was one of the reasons I went to speak with Shinjuro-san, although it wasn't the only reason... however, he told me that this was the way normal people feel and why they act rash and impulsive. I have a request to make."

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