16 : The Truth and Emotions

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"It could be one of two things, either the ability to resist death more that normal humans, or... well, or it could be the fact that demon blood arts don't respond the way they should when used on someone from my bloodline." Your gaze faced the ceiling, but you could feel the intensity of his eyes breaching your defenses.

He began with a simple question that led to shouting, "You mean to tell me... you're willing to throw away for life for this?! I won't accept that! I won't- I won't let you-... do that..." tears began pouring from his eyes. The room seemed to begin to spin for him, but he didn't know why.

"Kyo-san?" You asked a bit worriedly as you sat up. He didn't reply, "Kyo-san?!" You said more eagerly and impatiently. He could only distantly hear your voice. Slowly, he himself begun spinning. He didn't know why he felt so disturbed by hearing you say such things, it came from someone so utterly heartbroken, but he did. It was a feeling he never wanted to feel again, but he knew he would if he let you carrying out this plan of yours. Suddenly, he felt two firm hands slap onto his face, "Kyo-san! Please..." his world stopped spinning as he realized tears were falling rapidly from your eyes. He noticed your connected foreheads and how hot yours was compare to his. "Please..." you cried out softly with small huffs.

He sat there for a moment, almost dazed, before he slid his head onto your shoulder and wrapped his arms around you. Through the wetness of his robe, he could tell you were still crying despite knowing he was okay.

"D-Don't scare m-me like that..." you stuttered helplessly like a child watching their favorite doll being ripped to shreds, just for the real one to be hidden.

Kyojuro felt bad for making you worry to such an extent, but also thought you needed the scare. It was obvious you weren't thinking clearly, and was biased towards your decision. It was the first time you seemed to listen and indulge your emotions without thinking it through very well. It worried him as you became vastly different from the simple minded girl he once knew.

After a few minutes, Kyojuro pulled away with a wince and studied your slightly bowed and wet face. It had guilt written all over it as you fiddled with your fingers. "I'm... sorry..." you huffed as breathing became a struggle once again. "I... was so filled with rage... and..." you voice lowered with self disappointment, "and hate... it overcame me... I suppose I... should thank you for... clearing my head and lending me your shoulder despite the pain it caused you both physically and mentally..."

Kyojuro smiled and placed his hand under your chin forcing you to lift your gaze and look at him. "Hearing you admit that, makes me feel as though you're not a completely different person." He teased while ruffling your hair with a bright grin. It seemed to ease the tension that had settled into your posture.

The goofing off ended when you erupted into a fit of coughing. Kyojuro furrowed his eyebrows and sighed leaning you back down onto the bed. "We've had our fun, now rest up some. I'll be right over there in the next bed over if you need anything, okay?" He spoke enthusiastically as he pointed to the comfy looking bed he planned to sleep on. You gave a small nod and closed your eyes turning onto your side.

You heard the covers of the bed next to yours finally settle as Kyojuro had laid peacefully in the bed facing you. You didn't dare peak your eyes open, but you couldn't seem to sleep yet, either. You couldn't stop thinking about the way he reacted to your plain sentences, the way you reacted to his sudden dizziness. It was something new, something you hadn't felt before. Why did you feel this way? What was it, what does it mean? Why couldn't you stop thinking about him? 'Stop being ridiculous, (Y/N)' you mentally slapped yourself wishing you could do it in reality. You didn't know what to do, what this feeling was, so you waited. You waited patiently for Kyojuro to fall asleep, and once you were sure he was, you slipped out of the room quietly. It was cold to you, but it felt suffocating in that room. Not a bad kind of suffocation, just one that scared you. What was happening to you all of a sudden?

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