14 : Please Live...

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Tanjiro, although injured, managed to cut the neck of the demon Enmu. It wasn't luck that helped him in this task, it was his friends and family that aided in this. He used his father's breathing while his friends protected the citizens and one another. If not for them, Tanjiro would have been helpless in the face of this danger. However, as the train went beserk and got derailed with the demon screaming in agony and denial, Tanjiro could only think of the others. Inosuke tried to convince him not to save man who had stabbed him, but it was no use. He didn't want that man to become a murderer, and so he didn't dare die. Instead, he laid on the ground breathing heavily hoping his friends helped the civilians and injured passengers.

It wasn't until he heard Rengoku's footsteps approach him solemnly that he remembered (Y/N). He watched as the man softly laid your seemingly lifeless body on the ground beside him with an unreadable expression and directed his focus to the wound on the boy. His normal happy smile returned, "you can do full focus breaths all the time now! Being able to do it day and night is one step towards being a pillar! Although it may take ten thousand steps to pillardom!" His gaze shifted to the blood on his uniform, "You're bleeding from the abdomen. Focus more, and raise the accuracy of your breath. Spread the sensitivity to every part of your body." Tanjiro gave a pained expression as he did what Rengoku told him. "There's a blood vessel and it's broken. Focus some more." He watched Tanjiro shift, "There. Stop the bleeding. Stop the hemorrhage." Trying the best he could, Tanjiro concentrated on his task with yet another pained look. Rengoku watched the boy intensely and leaned over him with his finger to the boy's forehead, "Focus."

After finally stopping the bleeding, Rengoku beamed. "Yup, you stopped it! If you master your breathing, you'll be able to accomplish various things. It's not like you can do everything, but you can definitely get stronger compared to how you were the day before!"

Tanjiro considered his words for a moment, "Yes..." he replied, "but what about (Y/N)-san? She hasn't woken up yet?" Rengoku's expression changed knowing what this could possibly mean.

"Unfortunately, she has not. I believe the demon did something to her while we all slept." His tone sounded sad, but the conversation didn't last long before the ground shook and the air trembled. Both looked behind them where dust had settled in the air from the crater that was created from something falling with much force.

Live. Everyone was fighting so hard, all they needed to do was live.

As the dust settled back down, a man, no a demon, was crouched down on top of the crushed dirt and rock. Rengoku and Tanjiro got a good look at his eyes, Upper Moon 3, before he set off and attacked Tanjiro without hesitation. The smile on his face right before he launched seemed to only make Tanjiro tense more, but Rengoku reacted with speed and accuracy preventing further damage to the helpless boy. The demon immediately backed off and showcased his already healed arm, licking the blood.

"I can't understand why you're attacking a wounded person." Rengoku said with a determined expression.

Without any hesitation, he replied, "I thought he would get in the way between you and me. You and I have something to talk about."

Without falter, Rengoku spoke up once again, "it is our first time meeting, and I already hate you."

"Is that so? I really hate weak humans too. When I look at weaklings I feel disgusted." The strong ranked demon explained.

"It looks like you and I have different moral values in regard to things." His monotone voice made it very clear he was uninterested in anything the creature of night had to say.

"I see. Then I have a wonderful proposal!" He moved his hand up and scrunched his fingers, "How about become a demon?"

Survive. After this long night, day would be coming soon, so just survive.

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