25 : Date Night

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Kyojuro led you into the town, happily, and pulled you into a restuarant that seemed pricey. He ordered the sweet potatoes, of course, while you ordered (f/f). He chuckled at your choice, probably suspecting you would ask for that.

"You really are predictable, yet unpredictable at the same time, Snowball!" He chuckled loudly. You flushed at the compliment and smiled shyly.

You leaned over the table so that your hand would be in his face covering it from your eyes, "you really are embarassing, Kyojuro." You felt him grab your hand and pull it downwards revealing his soft smile. One that only you and Senjuro got to see. It made you feel special, he made you feel special. He planted a soft kiss on your palm the reached out for your left one.

He pulled it and kissed the bandaged hand, "I know you barely feel the pain, but your body will still have a hard time healing. So a kiss to help it heal." You blushed and pulled away.

"You really know your way into a girl's heart." You crossed your arms and pouted.

"Only yours, Snowball." He smiled, "Don't pout, we're on a date." He put his finger under your chin pulling your gaze towards him. "Smile for me?"

You chuckled, "You really abuse your power, flame boy." A smile appeared on your lips as the food came out, him immediately digging in happily. You did the same and savored every bit of your favorite food. It was like a dream come true to be here with Kyojuro.

After laughing and talking with him, Kyojuro decided it was time to move on to the next part of the night. He smiled, paid, then pulled you out of the restuarant and into the streets. The two of you walked down the streets until you reached the end of the city, and he pulled you off the trail and down the grassy part of a hill. After walking for a moment, you watched Kyojuro stop and gaze up at the moon that was high in the sky.

"How did you find this place?" You asked awestruck as you took in your surroundings. It was a clearing of woods that allowed the moon to glisten on the water that peacefully flowed downhill. It was beautiful and protected by a thick layer of bushes, but Kyojuro seemed to know a way in without getting caught up in them.

"I stumbled upon it the day my father brought you into the butterfly estate. Me and Senjuro were playing hide and seek with our mother that day, and this is where we found mother hiding." You smiled at how cute he was. He always seemed so happy when talking about his mother, and usually, he'd ask about yours afterwards. After a pause, you sat down beside the river and let your hair gently blow in the small winds that encompassed the small area. "Will you tell me something about your brother this time?" His sweet voice called from behind you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap placing his head on your shoulder.

You smiled with the thoughts of your brother. "My brother? Well, he would probably be around your age right now if he were alive. He was strong, and father trained him relentlessly in combat skills so he could protect me if need be... I remember one time I had a nightmare and he comforted me by hugging me close and telling me he'd always be there for me. If he had survived that attack, he would have probably kicked your ass by now." You chuckled while turning your head to see Kyojuro listening to each word you spoke.

"If it's for you, I'll take any beating." He spoke plainly and closed his eyes, breathing softly. "I may be a bit much, and overreact sometimes, but you truly are my world. The only one for me, (L/N) (Y/N)." He opened his eyes to see your soft ones gazing at him affectionately.

You placed a soft kiss on his forehead and slowly stood to your feet. He placed his free hands behind him to support his weight comfortably, and watched you smile towards the moon. "Rengoku Kyojuro, you are proba ly the most unfair lover I could have chosen... but I would never have chosen differently. You are my sun and only source of light, so don't ever leave, 'kay?"

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