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The trial happened yesterday and everyone in the Ruby Palace was relieved and happy that we won the trial. They were so excited that we are throwing a party today to celebrate all our hard work but most importantly that our lives have been spared. The party will start in a few short hours and be held outside.

Lily is forcing me to dress up as much as I did for my debutante. At least this time it will be with people who I care about and people who care about me.

"Lily instead of focusing on me shouldn't we help everyone decorate for the party?" I asked Lily as she washed my hair. "Princess, you shouldn't concern yourself with it. Everyone is setting everything up that there probably isn't anything we could do to help." Lily explains as she rinsed my hair.

"Still, why are we are we dolling me up so much for this party?" I whined giving Lily my puppy eyes. Lily smiles before scooping up a flower petal from the bath and placed it on my nose. "Because even though this is a party for all of us to celebrate it is mainly about you. You worked so hard these past couple of months and had the courage to stand in front of so many people and defend your name. I haven't seen you have that much fight in you in a very long time. You made us all so proud of our lovely Princess." Lily smiled her expression so soft.

She was right. I've given up on my life after the realization that Claude would never accept me as his daughter. "I'm so sorry, Lily." I turned to take the leaf petal off my nose. "I was being selfish the whole time not thinking about anyone and acting all mopey. I must've worried you and everyone so much! Lily, please forgive me!" I grabbed her hand in both of mine squeezing it tightly. She deserves so much better than all this!

"Princess, please calm down. There is nothing to forgive. We understood how you felt and knew you just needed some time. We knew our free-spirited Princess would return soon enough." Lily grabbed the back of my head placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Now let's finding getting you ready!" Lily pointed her finger at and I broke out into fits of laughter.


Jennette POV

"Father?" I waved my hand slightly as my dazed father. "Yes?" He asked blinking a few times before finally looking at me.

"Can we go see my sister? I'd like to apologize to her for how she was accused of for so long of poisoning me." I ask my father who seemed more tired than usual today. "Why are you asking my permission? You may do as you please I told you before." Father responded drinking his tea.

"Well, I wish for you to join me to see her because I fear she is upset with me and will not allow me to see her," I explain my worries to father to persuade him to join me.

"I can make her have a sitting with you if that is what you wish," Father tells me.

"No, no I don't wish to force her." I quickly declined his offer. "Jennette, what do you wish then?" Father asks me putting down his tea giving me his full attention.

"I wish for us to go see Princess Athanasia for I've never really had even spoken to her," I tell my father. "Why do you want me to go with you?" I remained silent. I didn't even truly know why myself but I think it is because I'm afraid my sister will not want anything to do with me. When we ever rarely cross paths with each other she will greet me but that is it. She keeps it very formal and short. She also declines all my requests of us every hanging out. I just don't understand why she doesn't like me? We were sisters after all.

"Fine. Let's go visit her." Father drank the rest of his tea before standing up. "Really?" I jump up with excitement. "Will we really go and see her?" I smile at my father. "Yes." He answered shortly. Giggling I hugged my father tightly as we began to leave the Emerald Palace's garden.

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