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"You shouldn't go." Lily says as she brushed my hair. "He wouldn't dare to harm me in front of Princess Jennette." I tried to comfort her. "You don't know for sure if she is going to be there!" Lily scolded me. "There is no way she wouldn't be there, Lily." I giggled at the worrisome nanny. "I don't like it either!" Hannah agreed. "Me too!" Ces also agreed.

"Then what do you suggest that I do? Cancel on him? It would only make matters worse, don't you think?" I ask them. They looked at each other for a few moments before sighing. I giggled at their helpless defeat.

The door then swung open revealing another maid. "A knight has come to escort you, Princess." She announced. "Thank you." I replied in which the maid gave a quick bow before leaving.

I said my goodbyes to Hannah and Ces. Then Lily and I walked downstairs where to my surprise Felix was waiting. "Princess Athanasia, I am here to escort you to see His Majesty." Felix bowed to me. "Why I am honured, Sir. Felix Robane." I teased. He smiled back his face turning pink.

"You knight! You better protect Athy! Please!" Lily surprised me standing close towards Felix.
"Of course." Felix says with a straight and earnest face looking at Lily.

They would be a cute couple. Their children would be absolutely adorable too! With Felix's red curly hair and Lily's bright blue eyes. Lily is still single and Felix doesn't have a ring nor has he ever mentioned a lady.

"Well, Princess it is time to go before we are late." Felix says snapping me out of my daze. They are both fun to tease to. A smile crept it's way onto my lips as the words left my mouth. "You both would be such a precious couple." I say as they both turned pink together. "Don't say such thoughtless things!" Lily scolded me and Felix just remained Felix, looking like a shy puppy.

I laughed as Lily became redder and redder before walking off. Felix then offered me his arm. Which I wrapped my hand around his arm and we began walking to go see Claude.

"Athy?" Felix said curiously looking at me. "It's a nickname I gave myself when I was little." I explain to him. "Why you have such a beautiful name?" Felix asks me. "It's quite an extravagant name for me and Athy I felt suited me better. Besides it's only a nickname for those close to me, that is why you never heard it until now." I tell him. "Are saying I can call you Athy?" He asked inquiringly. "I'd be happy if you would." I smiled. His face became excited as he smiled widely. "It would be an honor too!" Felix chirped. I smiled laughing slightly at his childish behavior.

Slowly we walked into a beautiful garden. I looked around amazed by all the wonderful flowers that surround us. Ah, they are so lucky that everyday they go for a walk or have tea here. I really envy them at this moment, but I should just enjoy this now while I can.

Soon enough we arrived at a small table with a couple of chairs, Claude already occupying one. Two chairs? "Isn't Princess Jennette going to be joining us?" I whisper to Felix. "Nope, just you two, Athy." Felix smiles, oblivious to the problem here.

Felix pulled out the chair for me in which I sat at and then thanked him. Claude put down his cup of tea and looked at me. "Good morning, Your Majesty." I greeted him. "Thank you for having me." Even though I wish I wasn't here or at least having tea with anyone else. Claude seemed tired as usual. He must not sleep much with being busy running the empire and still managing to spare some time for Jennette. But he should still try and get some more rest.

Claude reached down under his seat and slowly my heart began beating faster. What is he grabbing? A knife? If he was going to kill me, does he have to make it so messy?

He then pulled up a flower crown. Yet, for some reason, I still didn't feel relief. "I had Felix make this for you. To make up for the one that you lost." Claude said handing it to me. I hesitated for a moment before grabbing it out of his hands. It was a little messy but it was still very pretty with the white flowers.

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