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Long chapter as a sorry!!

"Make way for His Majesty, Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia and Her Highness, Princess Athanasia De Alger Obelia." The Harold announces.

As the Harold announced us I suddenly began to feel uneasy, nervousness spread like wildfire through me. But honestly what can happen that hasn't already happen this time around? I try to calm myself before anyone could notice.

As Claude and I then made our entrance out onto the balcony. I was at once stricken with awe. That I was positive my jaw dropped at least a little. The ballroom was indescribably gorgeous! It flourished in flowers from the tip tops to the ground. Butterflies even danced all around. The ballroom shined brightly with a warm yellow from the sun and even other colors creating a few faded rainbows. I completely forgot about my nervousness.

"They'll be dead if they even dare to say anything." Claude whispered to quitely to me. Making me look up at him, in confusion. Why is he saying such threatening things, suddenly?

But a wave of whispers erupted from below as the nobles laid eyes on us, distracted me from asking why he would say something like that. Fear quickly struck into them as the palace froze over. I wonder if I'm capable of that too? They bowed low to us as we began to descend down the left staircase. And my thoughts cleared again. He was definitely talking to me and not just mumbling to himself. Claude wasn't one to just mumble his thoughts to himself.

He must've noticed my hesitation. I thought I covered it well. It was scary how he just blantly threatened to kill them like that but it was also sweet for him to attempt to comfort me.

We then made our way to the center of the ballroom as he let go of my hand and we stood a little further from each other and bowed to each other. The music soon started and Claude and I then began to dance with each other.

I began to get nervous again though as many thoughts swept through my head. I was an outcast Princess for a long time. My last birthdays always ended in tragedies. I even almost died on my last one. So even now there was uneasiness in my stomache.

A quick but firm squeeze on my hand cut me out of tiring headspace as I looked up at Claude. Maybe it's because he is my father that I was put at ease. I shouldn't dwell so much on a day that's suppose to be a happy one. I even got Claude to wear a flower crown.

Those suffocating thoughts were finally laid to rest as I smiled up at Claude.

"You know I'm actually a exceptional good dancer. Prepare to be amazed." I grinned, triumphantly.

My foot then suddenly stomped down onto Claude's foot. Did I? Did I really? Stomp down onto his foot? I haven't stepped onto anyone's feet while dancing since I first learned how to dance!

Maybe I am still nervous? Subconsciously? Well consciously now! Very very nervous now!

Before either of us could say anything I stepped on his feet a couple more times. My face was hot with embarrament. I should've practiced this dance and not spoke so soon.

"Expectionally good at stomping on peoples feet." Claude says tsking at me. "Did you wear extra tall, sharp heels today just for this?" Claude asks as I step in on his foot again this time his face grimacing from the pain.

"Of course not! I usually never do this I suppose I'm still nervous! Are your feet alright?" I ask as I step onto his foot again.

"No they are in pain. Your feet are quite strong, If I was an ordinary person I doubt I'd be able to walk for a couple days." Claude says but their was slight amusement in his voice.

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