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It feels as if I'm drowning. At least I'm not in pain anymore. I can't move at all, I can't even tell if I'm breathing. Am I dead? It's feels as if I have pierced through my heart. My head feels empty too. Did I lose something? What happened? Why does it feel like I lost something though? I want it back. But what is it? I have to move. But I feel so detached from my body.

Suddenly a voice seemed to start singing to me. It was so pretty. But who is singing? Suddenly it became lighter. It was still dark but I could see something. My vision began to clear up a bit more. A beautiful lady with ruby eyes looked down at me. She even had bright blonde hair like mine. She looked like a real fairy! She was smiling at me but tears streamed down her face. Why is she crying? She seemed really pale too and blonde locks stuck to her face. Yet she was still so beautiful.

"My pretty baby girl." She says to me.

"I can't stay long. You won't remember this either I'm sure. But I love you so much. I'm happy just to see you open your eyes."

Why can't she stay long? It seems as if she is talking to me.

"You need to take care of your father, okay? I know you will love him very much as I do. You can help him move on from the past. So stay by his side."

What? What is she talking about?

"I love you. My lovely Athanasia."

She then came close to me and gives me a kiss but I didn't feel anything. She then closes her eyes and her head slumped back. Wait! What happened? Loud cries then filled the room as my vision blurred and it went dark once again. That was my mother. I just know it was. I never knew what my mother looked looked like. She was so pretty and had such a lovely voice. I wish she didn't die. Especially because of me. If she lived. Would my life be different?

Then a white light flooded around me. I managed to shut my eyes from the blinding light. Slowly I managed to move just a bit. I blinked several times until I was finally able to open my eyes. I look around the room. This isn't my room?

"I told you to stay away from them." A voice beside me startled me. I looked over to see Lucas sitting in a chair beside me. He looked older now. His hair was long once again. He looks upset too. "Why didn't you listen to me?" Lucas asks leaning closer to me. "What are you talking about?" I ask sitting up. Stay away from who? "Don't play dumb with me Athanasia!" Lucas grabbed onto my arms tightly pulling me towards him. What is his problem? I didn't do anything! His grip is starting to hurt. "Lucas you are hurting me." I say trying to push him away from me but he didn't even budge.

Lucas quickly let go of me and I fell back onto the bed as he took a few steps back. I've never seen Lucas so mad before. Suddenly the door bursted open and in came three people.

Lily quickly came running towards me, crying as she engulfed me in a hug. I quickly hug her back. She is trembling so much. "You okay, Lily?" I ask as she continues to cry. "I was so worried for you, Princess." Lily sobbed. Why? "It's okay, I'm fine." I try to comfort her. She then pulls away from me.

"Athanasia, are you alright?" One of the other people that entered the room asks. He has such dark circles under his eyes and was so pale. Shouldn't he be more concerned for himself?

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I ask the man with golden blonde hair who for some reason knew my name. Is he doctor or something? "You don't know who I am?" He asks me. Well why else would I ask? "I'm sorry but I do not know who you are." I answer the man. He stayed silent just staring at me.

Lily looked at me freightned. "Princess, do you remember me?" The other man who entered with bright red hair asked me. "How could I remember someone I never met before?" I ask him. Why are they asking me such things?

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