Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- The Final Battle: (Y/N) vs Katsuki.

Chapter 17- The Final Battle: (Y/N) vs Katsuki

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You stood tall. The final round was about to start. Izuku and Urakaka was telling you that you'll win. The entire class was, even Koda, who was blushing.
'Cute!!' You thought.
"(Y/N)" you were surprised that Todoroki called you by your first name. He looked at you before giving you a pat on the head.

"Good luck," you smiled and gave him thumbs up.
"Win for your class dragon of beauty!! And in the future, I hope to give you one of my babies!!" Hatsume ran up to you and hugged you. You smiled as one of the students in class 1-B looked at you.
"Shah a shame that a dragon great as you have to be in Class 1-A, but maybe one day we'll join together and beat your class!!" The blond human laughed as the other student hit the back of his head.

"Sorry about Monoma, but I wish you the best of luck, my name is Itsuka Kendo" she waved. You nodded and left to meet Bakugou at the battlefield. As you did, you bumped into him. Coincidence? I think not!
"Hey Kacchan-"
"Listen up Lizard bastard, you better bring all you got!!" He yelled. You looked at him and nodded.

"Ok, I just need to talk to Zuku-kun-" he grabbed your shirt and pulled you close.
"Don't walk away!! Deku is irrelevant right now!! It's just between you and me! It doesn't matter if you're a dragon, or a Nightlight, or a alpha! I'll show you who's stronger, I'll beat you to the ground, and ILL SHOW YOU WHOS REALLY THE ALPHA!!" He basically screamed. You were a little scared by now.

'Oh man, this is what happens when I be part of things I don't even know what's happening' you grabbed his hand and stared at it.
"Don't worry Kacchan, I'll give it my all," you made him let go and you walked off. When he's finally gone, you collapsed on the ground and finally breathed.
"Oh Odin, that was intense," you said.

"I hope he doesn't kill me,"


"Is everyone ready for the final round?!" You stood in front of Bakugou, ready and healed up.

"Ready" Bakugou sneered at you, his hands already exploding.

"Set" The teachers looked on as in anticipation.


You quickly sent out a huge plasma blast. Causing a big smoke to form.
"That blast, its more controlled than the one with Todoroki," Izuku noted.

The smoke cleared and Bakugou rushes towards you
"You may have a powerful force, but bad aim!!" You try to send another, but he used his blast to dodge it and throw you down. You slide away, but fly up to avoid the bounds. You dove down and fired a blast. Bakugou's arm was in the open, and you grabbed it, your teeth showing to bite him, until you stopped.

'Am I seriously going to bite him?!' You retracted your teeth and just threw him off.
"Bastard, you don't think I know what you're doing?" He gave you a menacing glare, making you shiver.
"I said to bring it your all!!" You blocked an explosion with your wings again, but it managed to sting your wings to make a mark.

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