Movie Chapter 5

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Movie Chapter 5- The True Villain?

Mineta pulled down a latter and the group climbed up

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Mineta pulled down a latter and the group climbed up.
"Thanks Mineta, as I expected from a hero," Melissa said.
"Hm, great hero skills, but you're still a pervert," you said giving him thumbs up. Mineta cried in happiness still as Izuku pulled you up.

You all ran down a hall as Jiro locked out the security cameras.
"Looks like we're pretty lucky huh? It's been clear since we passed the 100th floor," Kaminari commented.
"Yeah that's the problem. They're probably leading us somewhere," you replied.
"That's most likely," Iida nodded as you al went into the 130th floor as saw robots surrounding a green beam.

"There's a lot of robots blocking the exit," Uraraka said.
"It appears that they're not only blocking it, there trying to capture us," Iida said examining the room.
"If that's the case, we need to go to Plan A," Yaoyorozu said making a huge blanket.
"Right, Kaminari?" The electric boy nodded as Iida grabbed his arms and swung him to the robots.

"1.3 million volts!" He shouted electrocuting the robots around him as the rest of you hid under the blanket. It wasn't effecting the robots, making Kaminari to produce 2 million volts.
"Wait Denki! If you do that then-" It was too late as Kaminari turned dumb.
"At least he stopped them right?" Izuku asked, but the robots were still fine and wrapped Kaminari in rope.

"Ok let's go on to Plan B! Tenya! Zuku-kun!" They nodded as Yaoyorozu made smoke bombs to block their signal and Mineta blocking them from moving with his balls. Izuku used the gauntlet on his arm to use his pull power on them. Iida ran to kick other robots away as you grabbed Kaminari. He gave you thumbs up and hugged you tightly.

"We have to go now! They have backup!" Jiro yelled out. You wrapped Kaminari around with your tail and the group ran to the 138th floor. Doors opened to reveal hundreds of robots.
"Aw come on! This is what happens when the entire island is made up of just technology!" You groaned.
"We got this! Midoriya, (Y/N), take Melissa to the security system!" Iida commanded. You set Kaminari down as you grabbed Uraraka.

"Ochaco, come with us! We need your help!" You said. She blushed and nodded.
"We'll get there faster if I just," you turned into dragon form and they got on you. You roared and ran off.

'Please, be safe you guys, for the sake of this Odin damn island!'


"What is this place?" Asked Izuku as you walked near giant fans.
"The wind power generator, there will probably be more robots waiting in the tower to ambush us. We need to climb this to get to an emergency exit. We need Uraraka's quirk and Toothless' flight," you nodded and turned back into human.

"Ochaco you made Zuku-kun and Melissa float, I'll fly you up there," you said. She agreed and touched Izuku and Melissa. You were about to grab Uraraka and fly, but something shot through the door and into your leg. You roared in pain as more robots started to charge.
"(Y/N)!!" The three shouted.
"Just go! I'll hold them off!" You yelled, blocking Uraraka with your wing and turning into a dragon.

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