Chapter 1

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A cat was in your backyard, lying down weakly with a horrible red patch on its leg. Your heart clenched as you saw its weak state trying to get up, and your heart dropped when the cat did. You ran to it. It's eyes were tightly shut and you could see the that its body was shivering and struggling to take breaths. Without thinking, you immediately took it your arms and ran back to your home.

The cat tried to scratch you as you had it in your arms, but was way too weak to do so. You smiled at it encouragingly – "don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'll patch you up," you whispered to it softly as though it would understand your words. Surprisingly after that, it stopped trying to attack you, and you felt like a proud mother.

You laid it down on a small carpet that was made of hair towels on your bed, and rushed out of your home at the speed of light to gather some medicine for it. Your local pharmacy gave you a sort of cream that was said to heal open wounds for animals. You rushed back home with the tube in your hands.

The cat had slept by the time, and you carefully worked on its injury – you cleaned up the wound first, applied the cream and then wrapped its leg in a bad-aid. You had always wanted to be a vet, and you treated the cat with utmost care. You let it sleep for a while before it woke up itself, its sleepy eyes scanning the room. It meowed and you looked away from your laptop, to it.

"You awake Sugar?"

The cat looked at you with the most confused expression ever – it was sure expressive. You giggled.

"I don't know your name, so I named you Sugar. You like it?"

The cat turned its face away from you.

"Ok ok," you laughed, "let me guess what your name is."

It looked back at your with its eyes squinted, but you found it adorable.

"Um, Daisy?"

The cat shook his head.









You were so inattentive of the thought of a cat literally understanding everything you say, it went unnoticed by you for the days it had stayed with you. Not its choice.

Whenever it tried to get up it would scrunch up its face in pain and you would let it fall back down gently again, saying that it should rest and you will take care of it, again the fact that a cat could understand you going unnoticed by you.

And so Sugar lived with you for a couple of weeks that it was healing. You would say that you were the happiest in those few weeks – you had loved animals, no matter which it was, it would catch your attention and you would be fascinated by it. For all your life you had wanted a pet, but you couldn't because of your mothers allergies. Now that you had moved out into your home that had once belonged to your grandfather, you were free to choose if you wanted a pet or no. And now, you didn't even have to buy Sugar!

You got a small bed, toys and cat food for Sugar. You were always kind to it, but for some reason it never warmed up to you. You whistled and clapped for it to come to your direction, but every time you did, it would just give you a grumpy look and walk to the opposite direction. You figured that Sugar was a cat with a lot of pride. It was aloof and stubborn, so it would never play with the toys that you had got for it in front of you, it would play with them when it thought you weren't watching, when you actually were behind doors. It made you happy it was playing with them, even if it was behind your back. Maybe it was comfortable like that.

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