Chapter 9

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(Mentions of smut. Mild, not explicit.)

Yes you had a pretty bad fight last night and yes you were being a little rude by not talking to him the entire day, but did he really had to go out so late?

The clock struck midnight and it made you anxious, staring at the blank ceiling above you as you lied down on your bed, coffined in your blanket. The fact that Yoongi wasn't present beside you made you want throw up in worry – it had already been so late in the night, he should be back by now. You flung yourself out of the bed and threw your head out of the window so that you could see the street. Nothing. No sign of Yoongi coming home.

It worried you to no end. He was hybrid and yes, he was fast and witty, but that didn't mean he couldn't get caught. He was gone for the entire evening and you didn't think much of it when he went. It was only 6 o'clock, and the last time Yoongi had gone out and you had freaked out, he just ended up back in your apartment on the couch, licking his paws as though nothing happened.

So you let your guard down, thinking that he will be back at nine or so. But it was already past midnight now, and Yoongi still hadn't returned.

You went downstairs and exited your house, not caring that you were barefoot and barely covered in proper clothing for a cold night. You sat down on the porch, eyes full of hope, that Yoongi would come home soon, unharmed . . .


Yoongi woke up with a blurry vision, his wrists and ankles tied, a few voices tickling his ears –

"Why aren't they picking up?"

"I swear these damn scientists don't know what they are missing!"

"Try Dr. Dre? Is that his name? His number is on the bottom of that flier."

Yoongi sat up, limbs sore and he shook his head. The four gangsters turned around and saw that he had woken up.

"Whoa, wait," one of them spoke up, "that drug was supposed to keep you unconscious for days!"

"I'm a hybrid, idiot," Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Watch it!"

"Shut your trap Jae Hee," the guy who seemed to be their leader, said to the Jae Hee, the guy was was speaking to Yoongi. "You should've figured out that drugs don't have the same effects on hybrids as they have on humans!"

"Why did you even have that drug?" Yoongi asked, "who even are you people?"

"We are kidnappers," the leader said proudly, "we have a stash of drugs and weapons ready with us just in case we get an opportunity to snatch some loser off the street. And now we came across a hybrid!"

"Do you know what good money you hybrids are worth?" Jae Hee said, "we can sell you to the scientists and don't have to work anymore. Even your blood is enough to keep us going for another 40 years."

"First let's try to get hold of a scientist," a guy, whose name wasn't mentioned, said. "None of these twat scientists are willing to believe that we caught a hybrid."

All of the men turned their back on Yoongi as they tried to look at some fliers and call the numbers given on their cell phones.

Yoongi was nowhere near scared. He rolled his eyes for the tenth time. They are so dumb, he thought.

Once he was sure that all of them were too occupied, he quietly transformed into his cat state. His hands and legs turned to paws, the rope that he was tied up with now extremely loose. He got out of the mess of rope and quietly slipped out of what seemed like an abandoned garage. Then he ran.

He sprinted through the streets, on top of walls and on the sidewalks. He didn't even wait for the traffic signals to turn red, skillfully hurrying through moving cars and confusing all the drivers on the road. He finally reached your neighborhood and slowed down, looking for your house. When he entered the gate, the first thing he saw was your form, sitting on the porch, head down, crying up a river.

He felt someone tug his heartstrings, and he immediately went up to you, reaching your feet and meowing happily.

You looked down at the little white cat, and immediately were washed with relief.

"Sugar!" you cried and you lifted him up in your arms, his little head resting your shoulder as you patted his back, your tears making his fur wet. He meowed softly, as though trying to comfort. You didn't care about anything except him at the moment, he was safe, he was in your arms, he was here with you. He completed you. You cried and cuddled the ball of fur.

Yoongi transformed into his human form, still hugging you, his head still resting on your shoulder, and his arms hugging your waist as yours hugged his shoulders. You sobbed onto his shoulder and he starting caressing your back.

"I'm right here," he whispered softly in your ear with a small gummy smile on his face. "I'm not going to go anywhere now."

"Yoongi!" you sobbed.

He let go of you and took your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs.

But it was too much for you. You gazed into his dark eyes, the deep brown had all the warmth in the world to give you. His skin was so fair it seemed like it was illuminated, resembling the moon, round and soft and squishy. His ink black hair was messed up, sticking out in all angles, covering his forehead, curling around his ears. His light pink lips stretching into the softest smile, they looked temptingly kissable. He was too much.

Before he could say anything, you took his hands away from your face and into your own, suddenly kissing him with your eyes shut tightly.

Yoongi started feeling hot, his primal instincts coming into play and he let out an animalistic grunt against your lips, to which when you felt the vibration you immediately pulled away.

Embarrassment coloured your cheeks and you quickly got up. "Sorry!" you squeaked, much higher than usual.

But Yoongi couldn't stand it anymore – his heat had washed him over with the neediness of your touch. He stood up too and glared at you. "You can't leave me hanging." And with that he pulled you closer to him by your waist, your bodies clashed into each other and Yoongi's lips attacked yours, leaving nothing but a half breath in your lungs.

He started directing you backward until your back collided on your front door, trapping you. Yoongi kissed you in the most animalistic way possible, going after your lips even though they were right there, slipping his tongue into your mouth and licking it whole as though he owned it. Little grunts left his throat and tiny whimpers left yours. He intertwined both your fingers to his and slammed your hands on the front door, each one beside your head. Both your faces were flushed, and by now Yoongi was completely covered in sweat and breathing raggedly due to him being in heat.

This went on for a good ten minutes, until finally, Yoongi let go. He breathed heavily and it washed over your face, making you hotter than you were.

Yoongi suddenly attached his lips onto your soft neck, and you couldn't help but slip out a moan, as he sucked onto your sweet spot. He was marking you, giving you a hickey, his way of showing that he owned you. You were his, his girl, his mate.

All he needed was your permission.

His stopped sucking, and pulled back to look at your face. "Will you be mine?" 

Lil Meow Meow (M.YG Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now