Chapter 7

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You were panicking, feet constantly hitting the floor of your bathroom.

"It doesn't look like hers!" you cried, trying to fix the winged eyeliner that you were learning how to do from a tutorial on YouTube. The girl's looked on point, yours looked like a chicken scratch on your eyelids. You frustratingly put some make up remover on a cotton pad and ferociously wiped your eyes.

"Hey! Can you at least try and help me?"

Yoongi had been ignoring you the whole day, his eyes fixated on the TV and ears deaf to your desperate squeaking. His bored expression masked his inner annoyance. He really wasn't liking you getting all worked up because you were going out with Jackson. Last night he even tried to convince you to let him come with you, but not even Sugar was able to do that – you said it would be weird for him to come on this 'potential date'. He even hated hearing you say that this outing with Jackson could be a 'potential date'. He wanted to take Jackson and shove him up a butt.

You rolled your eyes at his stony face watching Power Rangers on the TV.


Make up wasn't your strength (like almost everything in the world), but you somehow managed to make somewhat decent looking wings and the side of your eyes with you eyeliner. You applied blush and pink lipstick, and even curled you hair strands at the end. You actually looked much prettier compared to your normal self who basically lived in jeans and joggers. You put on the white dress that you grandfather had gifted you and damn you looked fine.

This is the finest you had ever looked. You were almost confident that Jackson would be hypnotized by your appearance – yup, your self-esteem took a big leap.

You ran into the living room where Yoongi was sprawled over the couch and smiled at him.

"Come on! You can't say that I don't look nice!" you beamed while twirling around to show him your dress.

But the moment he looked at you, his eyes darkened and the annoyance that was a little present on his face intensified.

"You did your hair and makeup and everything huh?" he grumbled.


"You know," he turned back to look at the TV, "you still look ugly."

You eyebrows joined. "What is up with you? Why are you so grumpy today? You have been ignoring me the entire day and when I finally am ready for my date you can't even say that I look good?"

"Because you fucking don't! Alright?"

Your eyes widened at his sudden snappy voice, and you took a step back when he got up from the couch, his face crumpled up with irritation.

"You don't look pretty, stop trying to make yourself look pretty! All that makeup and everything is literally doing nothing to make you look pretty! Why don't you understand Y/N? You look the prettiest when your bare faced and in your sweatpants. But of course, you want to try and make yourself look pretty, because butt-faced Jackson wouldn't understand that."

He huffed and ran a hand through his midnight black hair, looking down at his feet. Until a second ago, you were confused – was Yoongi fighting with you or complimenting you? But after you heard 'butt-faced Jackson' come out of his mouth your on wave of irritation drowned you.

"Why did you just insult him? Who do you think you are huh? And every girl would want to look nice on a date so I don't know why you –"

"It's not a fucking date alright?!" he shouted. His face became a red a long time ago.

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