Chapter 3

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Is that all he was going to say? Is this his way of a good farewell? Wait, was he really going? Leaving you? Sugar?

Your eyes watered up and leaked.

He is really gone. He isn't going to be here with me anymore!

You fell down on the sofa and gathered your face in your hands and started crying. It had only been a few weeks with Sugar but you really had a special bond with the cat – the way he'd play with your toys behind your back, the way he'd adorably squint his large eyes In annoyance, the way he'd lick access ice cream off your cheek (and then bite it but that's a different story).

You were going to miss it so badly! You had a soft spot of Sugar in your heart, him being the first pet you'd ever had. No matter how much of a grump he could be, he still fulfilled your wish of having a pet. His aloofness and ego made you laugh sometimes (other times it made you want to knock him but that's a different story as well).

You were never going to have that again. Have his fluffy cat ball of a presence. His cute meowing. That lil 'meow meow'.

But then he had the Yoongi side to it – his human form. Even though he behaved the same in both forms, you'd prefer his cat form; you just couldn't help it. You loved animals! Him being a hybrid in the first place was pretty cool to begin with and –

He is a hybrid!

Your head snapped up in realization.

Oh no! Oh god no! What if the people who had beaten him up caught him again? What if he was in trouble? What if he was being sold right now?

Your heart started racing as you quickly got up from the couch and grabbed your phone – and you didn't have Yoongi's number. . .

You rushed out of your home (forgetting to lock it) and darted out into the streets. Your clumsy little mind had forgotten that you had a car. You couldn't even register it right now anyways. You sprinted into the streets of Seoul, having no idea where he could be.

You checked in every coffee shop and food joint. You scanned every mall and park. You even asked people if they had seen a fair-skinned boy with black hair – which was stupid because there are a lot of fair-skinned boys with black hair in Korea. You even checked the dark alleys and narrow twisted streets where no one goes to, just in case he slipped into one of those in his cat form.

During your search you found many cats that looked exactly like Sugar. White fur with dark brown patches, but you know better than anybody else that those weren't Sugar. You grabbed them and gazed into their eyes but they didn't have those big black glassy eyes that held a bored expression anyways like Sugar did. You ended up with a few scratches on your face but you really didn't care.

You sprinted through the city until evening. You kept searching for him until finally you reached the Han River and saw that the sun was at its lowest, indigo dipping into the warm shades of orange. A few stars blinked above you and you didn't bother to blink away your tears, letting them flow on your already tear blotched cheeks.

You face was red and puffy and every inch of your body was covered in sweat. You panted and suddenly became aware of the pain that was present in your legs. But it didn't stand a chance compared to the pain in your heart.

It hurt so much. When you thought of the poor little cat getting sold, him meowing like mad, his fur standing up in fear, your heart just broke. Your little Sugar!

Lil Meow Meow (M.YG Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now