Chapter 2

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Hybrids had become a species in the world for a few decades now. Long a go a few scientists had experimented with the human's and animal's sex cells and that resulted in the birth of hybrids. Creatures that can take the form of a human but can also take the form of an animal. Hybrids weren't rare, there were many roaming around the world in their human forms. But they were all in hiding, because hybrids were sold for a good price. Many of them didn't know how they came about, and rumour has it that they have their bases where all of them gather and try and make a living – kind of like an orphanage run by itself.

You couldn't believe that one of them was sitting right there in your living room. His flawless pearly white skin gleamed and contrasted attractively to his night black hair. His face was round and cute like a cat's. He was shorter than the average male's height, and had a skinny fit body. He relaxed into the couch, making it wetter with his freshly bathed body.

You gulped. Sugar was a hybrid. Your pet was a hybrid!

You quickly grabbed your wallet and ran out of your home – a walk away from him was probably what you needed. You went to a department store and bought a few boy clothes that you thought would fit him and got some ice cream as well.

By the time you had gone back home, you had registered the fact that a hybrid was in your house. The signs were pretty obvious if you thought about it – he likes eating ice cream! Which cat liked eating ice cream?! They are supposed to be warm animals!

You got back into your house to see Sugar watching Power Rangers on the TV.

"Um, Sugar -?"

"Yoongi," he corrected, without looking at you. He got up and you tried not to let your eyes wander below his chin. "Thanks."

That barely sounded thankful. He was as grumpy as ever.

He took the clothes and walked into the wash room to change, while you went into the kitchen to serve him the ice cream you had gotten. You wanted a few explanations, and you knew that Sugar Yoongi would be willing to give them to you if you gave him ice cream.

You walked in the living room with the cold bowl and saw him fully dressed. The clothes fit him well.

"Um, I –"

"Want me to explain?" Yoongi finished your sentence for you and took the bowl of ice cream.

"Yes!" you squeaked.

He sat down on the couch and started eating his ice cream – "I preferred if you'd got me white clothes instead, just saying."

Your eyebrow ticked in annoyance. "Can you please –"

"I got beaten up and ended up in your backyard. The end."

Your eyes widened – "You got beat up!" You sat next to him in the couch. "How?"

He looked at you with uninterest. "It'll take a long time to explain how I got beat up."

"I have time," you said, shifting closer to him to let him know he should speak. His eyes narrowed. You had realized that he had a habit of that, narrowing his eyes no matter in his human form or his cat. It was a gesture of annoyance but you started to find it adorable.

"Okay, I guess," Yoongi started reluctantly, "I was always into music. I wanted to pursue a career in music, but the guys that I lived with in my base had strongly disapproved of it. After I graduated high school, we had a huge argument about my future job – I wanted to be a producer but they didn't want me to. So I ran away from them. A few days after I ran away some idiots had caught me turning into my human form from my cat form and found out that I was hybrid. They tried to catch me because they wanted to sell me to the scientists, and in the process I got beat up. I managed to escape them, but I was badly injured and somehow I landed in your backyard and then you found me."

You nodded slowly. That made sense. "So how old are you?"

"Nineteen," he said, licking the spoon of ice cream.

So he was two years younger to you. He looked like he was twelve if you were going to be honest.

"What are you planning to do now?"

"I'll try and find some work I guess," he shrugged.

You nodded and then yawned. "Ok, I'm going to go sleep then." Yoongi hummed and then followed you upstairs. You went into your bedroom and jumped onto your bed and you realized that Yoongi did the same. He pulled onto the blankets and you screamed.

"Jesus, what's your problem?!" he scolded lowly, covering his small ears.

"Are you going to sleep here? With me?!" you squeaked loudly.

"Where else am I supposed to sleep?" he groaned.

That was true. You had two more bedrooms in your house but neither of them had beds in it – one of them held a grand piano and the other used to be your grandfather's art studio. The couch was available but the living room would be too cold in the night for a cat hybrid. Then you realized.

"Why don't you turn into your cat form and sleep on the bed that I got you?"

"I was in my cat form for weeks in a row, if I keep staying like that I would lose the ability to change forms whenever I pleased. We can't stay in one form for a long time."

"You didn't change forms for weeks?"

"No I didn't," Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I was a cat for weeks, we can't change forms if we are badly injured too."

You really wanted to question how he went to the bathroom and locked the door in his cat form but decided not to as he was already getting frustrated. You had to learn all these things about hybrids with Yoongi in your house.

"So . . . you want to sleep here in my bed . . . in your human form," you said slowly.

Yoongi nodded. "I don't want to do this either. Maybe you could go and sleep on the couch."

"I am not sleeping on the couch when I have my own bed!"

"Then scoot over."

You did what he said hesitantly. Your bed was quite big now that you thought about it – you used to sleep with your grandfather here. And Yoongi and you were both small. So you figured you might as well let him sleep in your bed with a good amount of distance between your bodies.

But the distance was closed by Yoongi. Five minutes later you felt warm breath washing over your neck and you shivered. You got up to see Yoongi sleeping close to you with a scrunched up face.

"WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!" you squeaked loudly.

Yoongi shot up and covered his ears - "God, what is it with you and squeaking so loud?"

Your eyes were wide and face was red, but his looked the same, bored, uninterested. "Its cold," he said simply.

"Um . . ."

"And your body was warm."

Your baffled mind was taking in the fact that he was a cat hybrid, therefore very attracted to warm spaces. He couldn't stand the cold and so shifted closer to you for warmth. In a cat hybrid's mind it made sense, in your mind the first thought was 'HE WANTS TO SLEEP WITH ME!'

You got out of your bed and went down stairs to get some extra blankets. You handed them to Yoongi and he thanked you monotonously. The night was comfortable after that.

The next day you got up to find Yoongi missing from you bed. You figured that he was probably having a shower or something downstairs. You got up and showered yourself and got ready for work. As you walked into the kitchen (that was connected to your living room) you realized that Yoongi wasn't sitting on the couch. You went to the bathroom and saw that that was empty too.

Where was Yoongi?

Not long after you saw a not on the coffee table. The only thing that it said was, 'bye'. That was probably from Yoongi. You shrugged and were about to go to the kitchen when you turned around in a hurry and saw the note again: 'bye'.

Wait, what?

Lil Meow Meow (M.YG Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now