Part 1 | Kindness & The Perfect Fit

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"Ugg, this is useless," Aurora groans as she throws the t shirt she had in hand across the room. Aurora has been attempting to pack her suitcase for hours now. "How the hell am I supposed to pack 4 months worth of clothes in a single suitcase?" she whispers in defeat to herself.

"Rory? Everything alright?" Aurora's mother calls from the other room. Rory is the nickname her mom gave her when she was only a baby. Her mother walks into her room and sees the frustrated look on her daughter's face.

"25 countries? The weather is gonna be different in every freaking country," Rory lets out a frustrated sigh, falling onto her bed. "I can barely pack properly for a weekend trip."

"Hey, you're thinking too hard and overwhelming yourself," her mother says softly as she sits on the bed next to her. She places a hand on her shoulder, "Let me help. We'll figure it out."

Aurora is currently trying to pack for her new job. After the craziest year she's ever had, packed with graduating college, moving to London to work with one of the most well-known stylists in the fashion industry and having the time of her life doing what she loves most, she was offered a career-altering job for the next 4 months. Never did Aurora think she would be sitting in her room back home in a small suburb of New York surrounded by cardboard boxes labeled with things like: "NYC Apartment - kitchen," "London - winter clothes," "School things," "London Flat - bedding," "I have no idea, from london." Organized Chaos explained her life best right now.

"Rory, sweetie, where's your list?" her mother asks, looking around to locate the papers she's been carrying around for the past week that's covered in scribbled notes, lists upon lists and small sketches here and there. "Should've really been keeping that stuff in a journal or something." She finds the papers scattered on Aurora's desk and a few laid on top of boxes. "Probably wouldn't be so overwhelmed if you could be a little bit more organized," her mother sighs gathering the papers into a stack, tapping the bottom edges on the desk to line them up. "You're normally so much more organized," her mother continues before pressing a kiss to Aurora's hair.

"It's a lot, Mom. I don't know where to start." She stands up from her bed and grabs her phone as it dings, indicating she's received an email. "Finally!" she exclaims with a sigh of relief. "Harry's just sent me my official itinerary and all of my flight info."

"Harry Styles himself emailed you your travel plans?" her mother asks in disbelief.

"No, mom, Lambert. Harry Lambert, my boss."

"Oh yeah, of course," she laughs lightly, "How many mix ups has there been with that name?"

Aurora's new job is 'Head of Wardrobe' for Harry Styles' Arena World Tour. In all honesty, she has no idea how she got here. Well she does, but it still doesn't feel real. Lambert's original hire for the tour ended up needing to stay in London to help him with his styling work there and she was next in line, but she still isn't too sure how she got this lucky. The past year happened so fast and it was one opportunity after another that landed her here. She's barely had a moment to breathe after the holidays and some small jobs here and there to keep her busy. Last January, just over a year ago, Aurora traveled to London for a six week menswear design course at Central Saint Martins for some extra credits before her final semester of college. During this course, she was lucky enough to met Harry Lambert. After he saw her collection of work from the past few years, what her thesis plans were and what she had been working on during the CSM course he kept her information on file for the future. When Aurora left london at the end of the course she had no idea if she would ever hear from Harry Lambert again, but around mid march she received an email from him about an internship position he needed to fill and thought she would be perfect for. Starting the internship in NYC before she even graduated, May was a whirlwind and was the perfect indication on how the rest of her year would be. She moved to London in June and was put to work without a second to spare.

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