Part 2 | Opening Night & The First Note

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St. Jakobshalle is busy when Aurora arrives at the arena that afternoon. Crew members she met in London were buzzing around doing just about exactly what they were doing there, but now in Switzerland. It's a bit trippy for Aurora because though she may be in a completely different city, in a completely different country, the arena looks and feels almost the exact same. She has to remind herself several times that she's in Switzerland and that today really is the 1st night of the tour. Everyone is called for at the stage at 2pm. Harry makes a small speech again and thanks everyone for their hard work. Boxes of reusable water bottles, branded with "Treat People With Kindness" are passed around as well and they match the sweatshirts a lot of people are sporting today. They take a group photo in the elevated seating closest to the stage and there's a chorus of cheers when Jeff tells everyone to go back to work and that there's 5 hours till curtain. They haven't even completed the first show of the tour but the atmosphere and energy between everyone already feels like a family of sorts. When Aurora catches a glimpse of Harry as she heads to the dressing rooms she can't help but feel overly endeared by the bright smile on his face and crinkles at his eyes.

Aurora heads to the band's dressing room to set up their clothing for the night. She's steaming Adam's suit when Sarah walks in.

"Aurora!" She exclaims walking over to her and hugging her after she's set the steamer aside. "Flight alright?" She asks after pulling away and sitting down on the couch.

"Absolutely! I slept the entire time," she goes back to steaming while talking to Sarah. "and what about you?"

"Too excited to sleep," she chuckles. "Flight was still good though."

Sarah stays with Aurora while she steams the all of the pieces for the band. Aurora really likes

Sarah and her calm energy is nice in the excited and busy arena.

"So who have you toured with before?" Sarah asked as the 2 of them find their way around the arena in search of some snacks before Sarah has to get to sound check and Aurora has to prep Harry's suit.

"Oh," Aurora is surprised by the question, "I've never done this before. I-I graduated college last May."

"You're joking right? I mean, you were in New York with Lambert for the album release, yeah?" Aurora nods. "So you had to have a good recommendation or experience before that to be thrown into the hustle and bustle that comes along with working with Harry." Aurora chuckles as they round the corner and walk into the room where Craft Services is. They both start to fill a plate and Aurora fills up a coffee cup as well. For Aurora, coffee is the answer to everything.

"No seriously, Sarah. Keep this on the DL but I legit have no idea what I'm doing most of the time." Sarah laughs along with Aurora. "I met Lambert while I was studying abroad in London. Got my internship with him from there. And now magically I'm here."

"Maybe a little magic involved, but you're talented, Aurora. You know what you're doing and from where I'm standing you look like a seasoned veteran on this crew."

The jet lag is without a doubt kicking Aurora's ass already and it was only day 1 of the tour. She made a mental note to google some ways to beat it. Aurora treks her way to a dressing room that's labeled 'Creative Crew' - a room just for her, Ayae, Helene and a few others she barely has met. She set her bag in there when she first arrived that morning and remembered a couch that sounded like the best thing ever to her right now. She finds the dressing room empty and she's thankful for it. Plopping down on the couch, she dozes off immediately.

15 minutes later her alarm goes off. She knows herself too well and always, always, always sets an alarm for a nap because she will sleep for hours on hours otherwise. She slides her shoes back on and grabs Harry's wardrobe notebook from her bag and makes her way to Harry's dressing room to get his suit set for the show. She's steaming Harry's black button down when she lets out a yawn, desperate for another coffee. She thinks the nap might have done more damage than good.

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