Part 15 | The Final Show

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Aurora made sure to wake up before Harry. She knew it wouldn't be too hard considering how late they were up after the show last night, high off the 1st show in LA and celebrating Mitch's birthday. She wrote him a note saying she'd meet him at The Forum and left it on his bedside table. Tiptoeing through Harry's unfamiliar LA home, Aurora gets ready quickly. It's gonna be a long day, she knows it and the early sunrise is just starting to cast through the windows. Her phone dings from her bag on the counter and it's Jeff letting her know a car is picking her up from Harry's in 10 minutes.

She's still not used to all of this, the jet black private cars and the back doors to arenas even after 67 shows in 5 months. It still makes her anxiety spike when she doesn't know where she is exactly or where she's going. She's learned to trust more, trust her own gut, trust people that are on her side, her team, her family. Aurora's still not used to the fact that this is her life but just as it's gotten more and more familiar, it's about to change.

Large cardboard boxes are waiting for her when she gets to The Forum and meets up with Jeff.

"Have you opened them yet?" Aurora asks him, giddily.

"Nope, was waiting for you. It's all you," Jeff says while motioning to the boxes.

Aurora rips open the top box and a wide smile finds a home on her face.

Harry Styles

The Final Show

Of The

First Tour

Of The

Debut Album

Los Angeles


"Oh my god, they're perfect," Aurora exclaims. As she admires them Jeff is directing a group of people to start handing them out. Aurora grabs one for her and another for Harry before she gets to work helping hand out the tshirts to everyone. The crew and all the tour staff are changing into the matching white t-shirts when Aurora's phone chimes with a text from Harry letting her know he's left and on the way. Aurora's smile hasn't left her face since she got to The Forum this morning and she knows the smile will only get bigger as the day goes on. She also knows that if she stops smiling she might start crying and she's not ready for that yet.

Aurora and Helene make their way to the tunnel they know Harry will be driving into and parking his car. They're waiting for him in their matching t-shirts, Helene's camera ready and giggling about something from the night before when they see the first glimpse of Harry's bright yellow car come into view up the ramp. His windows are down, music is playing loudly and he's wearing his pink tinted sunglasses as he pulls in. People are bustling around, some arriving for the first time today and others already running around with lists to complete before the final show. Everyone looks the same and it's exactly how Aurora wanted it. The celebratory t-shirts remind her of the big productions they put on at school or the end of year dance recitals. She likes the feeling it creates when everyone's decked out in their shirts and she wants to celebrate Harry and his entire team. The final show. It's marking the end of an era. His era.

When Harry gets out of his car, tossing his duffle over his shoulder and sliding his glasses into his hair he stops before he gets to closing the driver door. Aurora hears the click of Helene's camera. A dimpled smile forms on Harry's face and no one is really sure if it's because Aurora's waiting for him or it's the tshirts everyone seems to have gotten the memo about. He closes the door eventually and beelines straight for Aurora.

"I have a feeling you have something to do with this," Harry says as he tugs lightly at Aurora's t-shirt.

"Might have," she giggles before kissing him quickly. "Happy final show day!"

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