Part 5 | Second Guessing & The Pink Suit

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The whole of Aurora's travels to Italy are done so in a fog. A small headache was the last thing on her mind as she wandered from security to the gate. When Aurora woke up this morning, the same smile from the night before showed up again, but not long into packing her belongings and getting ready to leave Spain did the worried thoughts come up.

Was last night just a long build up to a few silly kisses? Will the alcohol be an excuse? Aurora can't stop worrying. She can't stop thinking about the idea of last night and anything else that stems from it costing her her job. But on the other hand, how could any of this not be right? Not be okay? There's something so right when Harry and Aurora meld together.

Aurora's shaken out of her thoughts when the final call for her flight is announced over the speakers in her terminal. The flight isn't that long, but still long enough for Aurora to fall asleep the second she presses play on her favourite podcast.

Without a doubt, there's a handwritten note waiting for her on the bedside table when she gets to her hotel room in Milan. She leaves it unopened and unread and instead facetimes her sister and tells her everything. Leila knew something had been up. Leila and Aurora, though 7 years separate them, are each other's best friend. Through the cloud of anxiety that swarmed Aurora's small hotel room, she managed to get everything out without a filter.

"Oh, Aurora," Lelia sighs, "only you would get your dream job and get an international rockstar to fall in love with you."

"Leila!" Aurora groans, "You are NOT helping this situation. At. All."

"Who said I would help?" Aurora groans again. She knows her sister is only trying to help lighten up the conversation but Aurora is freaking out. "Okay, Okay. Serious now." Leila takes a visible deep breath before continuing. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you, cause I'm your older sister and that's my job." Aurora nods, her heart sinking. "You could cut it off, end anything not work related, strictly business between you and Harry. Or, you could just let what happens, happens and figure out what's really going on between you two."

Aurora stares at her sister through the small camera on her computer. Neither of the options Leila has presented sound appealing to her.

"Aurora, from where I stand, I think ending what you and Harry have could be the worst idea. I think space might be a good idea, but don't cut it off. Don't run from it." Leila pauses. "I'm your sister, your best friend, I know you better than anyone... don't run away from this." Aurora's breath catches in her throat so she nods in response. She knows what Leila is talking about. Aurora likes to run. Run from everything. "Don't run. It's your dream job. Why not make the most of what's in front of you?" Leila laughs. "Dream job and a romance. Only you." The two sisters laugh together then.

Aurora and Leila say their goodbyes but not without the older sister making the younger promise to call and text more and to keep her updated. That's what sisters are for right?

Aurora goes to bed early. She never opens the note with "Rory" scribed on the outside in Harry's handwriting.

She's a ball of anxiety with shaky hands when she gets to the Milan Arena the next day. It's later in the afternoon than she normally likes to get to the arena but she stayed in bed for a long time this morning and she didn't want there to be any extra time to spend there. Time she normally spends with Harry. She rushes to Harry's dressing room first when she checks the time. He normally works with his trainer right about now - perfect time for her to take care of his suit for the show and then move along.

Aurora curses under her breath when she is reminded of what he's wearing tonight. A fuschia pink jacket and trouser that are both covered in glitter and an equally glitter covered golden pussy bow button down. The bow on this one is much more dramatic than the others he's worn in previous shows. She's instantly reminded of the intimate moments they've shared while she's helped him get ready. It's not even been a full month on the road and the tour is only 12 shows deep but she can't help but reminisce over it all already. She'll have to come back later to help Harry with the bow, she supposes she can't avoid him at all cost. She can minimize the time they have together, though, so she proceeds with heating up the steamer and prepping his suit, shoes, socks, all of the things she normally does.

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