Part 12 | Sunsets & A New Normal

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She's gotta stop comparing things, Aurora thinks. Her "normal" doesn't exist anymore. This is her normal now.

A sweaty, t-shirt wearing, tattooed rockstar is her new normal. Who would've thought? Definitely not Aurora.

The familiarity of the dark, low lit SoulCycle studio feels like her old normal though. At one point, this was a home away from home in NYC, even in London. It's comforting to clip the clunky cycle shoes into the pedals after adjusting the seat exactly how she needs it. The feeling of the rubbery handlebars on her dry palms causes her to release a breath. Aurora almost forgets that Harry is sitting at the bike next to her. They're towards the back, Aurora prefers it here and Harry seems to as well. She can feel him look at her. A smile flashes across his face when she meets his eyes.

The room gets a touch darker and the music gets louder and then there's a voice over the speakers. If Aurora thought the Dallas heat was high but this studio feels like it's surrounded by fire compared to it. She doesn't mind it though. After 3 months in new countries and unfamiliar hotels, the heat is the least of her worries. Aurora's been craving some sort of familiarity. This studio is the closest she'll get for a few more weeks.

Aurora lets herself forget about everything around her; about the stress, about Harry next to her, about the jetlag, about everything. She focuses on the beat of the music that she can feel rattle the room, the voice of the instructor and how her legs pedal to the rhythm of the song. It doesn't take long til she forgets it all.

Class ends sooner than Aurora would've liked. How is it that 45 minutes can seem so long on a plane but so short when you're enjoying something?

Aurora's unlocking one of the white lockers in the lobby when Harry groans. She hands him his shoes, phone and wallet then grabs her own bag. She gives him a questioning look, but he doesn't see it.

"Ror, I'm sorry," he says looking towards the windows that line the front of the lobby. She follows his sightline. "We'll have to go quick," his eyes dart across what is visible on the street outside. "I think there's only one."

Aurora can't see what he sees but she can feel his change in demeanor. Harry tucks his laces into the inside of his shoes and slips them on, not bothering to tie them.

"One what?" she asks as she puts her own shoes on. Harry moves himself to stand closer to her, almost blocking her into the small space by the lockers.

"Pap." Aurora looks up to him, shoe laces in her hands, foot propped onto the open locker. He drops a hand to the small of her back. "It's not ideal, but it'll be fine."

Aurora ties her shoes and tosses her bag over her shoulder. "Alright, lets go."

Harry's hand moves from her back to grab her hand. As they walk towards the door Harry switches hands and moves to her other side, seamlessly. "The car is parked on the street towards the right. Pap is towards the left. I'll give 'em one shot and they should leave us alone, but let's not hang around." Harry squeezes Aurora's hand. She squeezes back.


Harry opens the door and moves his torso abnormally to block Aurora as much as he can. He can't stop the paps from being here but he can limit what they see. He's sure to keep his hand tight around Aurora's. She can feel him pull, only slightly, away from her to show his face in the opposite direction. She keeps her head down and within seconds Harry is by her side again. Aurora can feel the slickness of sweat on Harry's arm as he gets closer. The heat didn't bother either of them, the sweat either. The sleeves of Harry's tshirt are still rolled up and it only allows for more of his skin to press against hers. Aurora focuses on that rather than the possibility of a stranger in a bush taking her photo.

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