Part 7 | London & T Shirts

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"Listen, I know I've said this a lot," Aurora starts as Harry walks into his dressing room. She's sitting on the couch, legs propped up on the coffee table and her tour lookbook in her lap. "But tonight's suit is my favourite." Harry groans and then chuckles. "Harry! Listen, this one isn't a normal suit. It's on the same level as the Palamo pinstripe." Aurora meets Harry's eyes and he's instantly reminded of that night in Spain. His eyebrows rise up in question. "Shut up." She says with a small smirk. "But the baby pink velvet with the gold beading and the gold trouser stripe. The fact that Alessandro loved it so much he made it in black too and then I convinced Lambert that they should be used to mark monumental nights of your tour."

"That was your idea?" Harry asks as he sits down on the couch next to her. Aurora hums a yes. "Why London and LA?"

"You really wanna know?" Harry nods. "It's the O2 for crying out loud, and then London, it's your home. LA, the final show, your other home." She answers as she puts her book to the side and grabs for one of Harry's hands. She laces her fingers with his and looks up to him. "What?" she questions the look on his face.

"You really thought of all that when deciding those 2 suits?" She nods this time.

"Not just those 2, all of them. Made sure the suit matched the show." Harry brings their intertwined hands to his lips and presses a kiss on the back of Aurora's hand. Harry shakes his head, not knowing how to express what he's feeling so instead he just pulls Aurora in for a kiss.

"So what colour are we painting your nails this time?" Aurora asks once they've settled back into the couch.

"Black, again," he says with a smirk.

"Really?" Aurora asks in disbelief, sure he was going to pick a brighter colour.

"Mhm, it's like I've got a piece of you on stage with me."

Aurora huffs, unable to hide the smile that takes over her face.

They situate themselves on the floor of his dressing room. Aurora sits in the empty space between Harry's outstretched legs. With a knee of her own propped up, she sets Harry's hand on it and begins to work on his nails. They're both quiet and neither of them mind. They've tuned out the chaos that is happening in the rest of the arena. Aurora knows this is why Harry asked for her to do his nails. A moment of calmness. A moment away from being the center of attention.

All last night and this morning, Harry had been getting calls and texts and emails about people's excitement mixed with a handful of stressful ones from Jeff or any member of his management team. Aurora had to convince him that turning his phone off for a while was okay and that there was no need to worry about something someone else can take care of. She also reminded him that everyone will still be excited to see him in the morning, that those texts will still be there. It's not that he doesn't want to help or reply to his friends. It's that Harry doesn't know when to stop sometimes. Last night they were sitting at a local pub, a place where Harry's a regular and even though his phone was on silent and he was trying his hardest to pay attention to the story Aurora was telling, he couldn't focus. Aurora realised quickly that Harry doesn't transition well between being "tour harry" and "just harry." Bringing his work home with him doesn't help either. Aurora made that comment in reference to herself and he really didn't' appreciate it till later. When he went to say goodnight as he opened the car door for Aurora he did laugh about it with a loud chuckle, the joke finally clicking in his head.

The pulse at his wrist changes, bringing Aurora out of her own thoughts."What're you thinking about?" She asks as she grazes his pulse point with the pad of her finger. They're so close that she can hear the rhythm of his breath speed up too.

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