Part 6 | Home & Misunderstandings

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Germany and Birmingham go off without a hitch. Aurora has never felt this happy she thinks. In the arena's and hotel rooms neither of them have a care in the world but Aurora does notice herself holding back from showing any sort of affection, unless Harry initiates it, when they're in public. Granted, they're rarely in public together but she still notices it. Most of the time the thought is fleeting, only appearing when she has the urge to tuck her face into his neck or press a kiss to his lips just cause she feels like it. The quick paced life of being on tour distracts her from thinking about it too much.

Harry was excited to be back home to spend a few days with his friends and family and to share his show with them. There's no doubt about it that performing is his favourite thing and then add in seeing his family and he's over the moon. Aurora on the other hand was a bit nervous. From the bit of conversation she had heard the other day when Harry was on the phone with his mom, she knew Anne knew about her. Harry made a comment in passing last night about how Aurora and Gemma would get along really well. That's when it dawned on Aurora that she would be meeting Harry's friends, his family. Being nervous is normal right? Aurora's telling herself it is. She just doesn't know if she's more nervous to actually meet his family or that she doesn't actually know what he's told them what they are. What are they, even? She doesn't want to ask, they've had enough conversations lately and she doesn't want to add another to the list.

When she gets to the arena, there's a lot of excitement as usual. There are more new faces than normal. Most of these new faces have "guest" lanyards hanging around their neck. Aurora assumes their friends, family, people she'll get introduced to eventually. She goes about her business though, trying not to worry about what's to come later, it'll only make it all more nerve wracking. She goes through her normal routine before her phone rings.

- Finishing up lunch with my mum and sister right now and about to head to the arena. Are you there?" -

- yeah, I'm here, when will you get here? -

- Be there in 20minutes about -

- my mum and gems are excited to meet ya -

Aurora puts her phone face down on the table after she reads the last message. So they are prepared to meet me? Or is he just saying that to be nice? You really never know with Harry, but aurora doesn't encourage the conversation.

A few minutes later her phone rings, expecting it to be her mom she flips it over. "Harry" flashes across the screen. She should've expected it.

"Hello?" she answers as normally as possible.



"Mum and Gems are off to the loo. I know we never officially talked about you meeting them, but it's inevitable yeah?"


"Rory, I saw how you reacted when I mentioned you and Gems would get along well last night and then no response to my last text." He pauses. "I'm not gonna make you meet them, but even if we weren't, we weren't, uhm," he pauses again, clearly not sure what to call this either, "even if we weren't us, how we are now, you would've met them anyways, yeah?" Aurora hums into the speaker in agreance. "But still, I'd like you to meet them."

"Yeah, you're right."

"It's important to me." He can hear Aurora let out a deep breath on the other end. "I don't want to stress you out though."

"No, no, I'm fine, really. I want to meet them too." Aurora pauses now. "Just, just, I don't want to have a full blown conversation about this, but, what-"

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