Part 8 | The Kilt, Sunshine & Aurora Borealis

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The sun is barely up when Harry taps Aurora's shoulder lightly, pressing his lips to the cheek that isn't pressed against one of his pillows still. Aurora barely opens her eyes when he speaks softly.

"Mornin', Rory."

She hums and closes her eyes before they're even open all the way. Harry kisses her cheek again, slowly, then presses quick kisses all over the skin that is immediately available to him. She sinks further into the pillow, trying to pull the blankets over her face more but Harry's hands have already grabbed the sheets to keep her from moving them.

"Come on, Ror, I've got coffee ready for you downstairs." Her eyes open at that. "Jesus, you and your coffee. I don't think I need to even mention that I also made scrambled eggs to get you downstairs."

"You made eggs?" She mumbles out as she rustles in the sheets, stretching a bit.

"Sure did. I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" She hums. "Do not fall back asleep. Coffee and eggs will only stay hot for so long.

"Don't you have a microwave?" Aurora challenges. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Not the point," he counters. "There's a spare robe hanging off the back of the bathroom door if you want."

Aurora reaches for her phone as Harry makes his way out of the bedroom and back downstairs. She replies to her family group chat and replies separately to her sister, Leila. She can't not tell Leila that she is about to get out of Harry's bed and go downstairs to eat the eggs and coffee he made for her. She knows Leila is asleep and Aurora won't get the all caps response and a phone call until later this afternoon.

She's met with the reflection of a cozy creme robe in the big mirror when she closes the bathroom door. She smiles at it trying to recall if it was there last night or if Harry purposely got it out for her this morning.

The robe is big on her shoulders, she is drowning in it really but it smells like Harry. She pads down the staircase and then follows the sound of Fleetwood Mac softly playing in the kitchen. Harry is sat at the island on a stool, the hood of his robe pulled up over his head. He's scrolling through his phone but locks it and puts it down when he hears Aurora's feet on the tile.

"She's awake!" he exclaims as he stands up from his seat. Aurora walks to him and snuggles into his chest, not being able to resist how cozy he looks. She wraps her hands around his torso underneath the robe as he kisses her lips for the first time today.

Harry pours Aurora a hot cup of coffee adding in some almond milk and sugar, one of her go-to ways to drink it. She thanks him before taking the first sip. Closing her eyes, she hums as she swallows, one of the shoulders of the robe slides off as she slouches on the stool. Aurora hasn't felt this comfortable or content in too long. Being in a home, eating eggs made by the person sitting next to her is so far from eating room service in an allover beige hotel room.

"Harry, these eggs are incredible," she compliments as she takes another bite. He smiles at her.

"Want or need anything else?"

"No everything is perfect."

"I can make some toast or something too?"

"No, Harry, seriously, everything is perfect." She reaches over, tilting her head up and presses a kiss to his cheek.

Both of their plates are clean and Harry is shuffling through his music playing Aurora a few of his favourites. Aurora takes a final sip of her coffee and she can't help but notice the permanent smile that Harry has had on his face all morning a small shine to his eyes that isn't normally there.

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