5 ✴️

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They both sat on the floor as Donghyuck scanned the entire room, his eyes trailing to every childhood pictures of Yoonsu. A smile crept up on his face as he glanced at the girl

"You look cute back then" He snickered

Yoonsu glanced at him, feeling her cheeks heating up.

"Shut up" She muttered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Donghyuck still looked at the pictures as Yoonsu can only see his side profile. His piercings hung on his ears, his sharp jawline. He looked ethereal up close, she wouldn't lie. She just shook her thoughts off and stood up

Yoonsu brought necessary materials for their assignment, but Donghyuck just watched her whilst she's doing so since he didn't know what to do.

"Are you just gonna sit there?" The girl chuckled whilst placing the books on a table.

"Oh-" He immediately stood up from the floor and walked towards her.

He sat down, scanning the opened books as his head started to hurt just by looking at it

"It really looks hard" He stated rubbing his temples while closing his eyes

"Yeah it's hard so we really should start"

With that, they both worked together for the assignment. Pieces of used paper crumpled up and decorated the plain floor.


After hours of hard work, their assignment finally came to an end. The two breathed out air, using up all of their brain cells just for a single assignment.

Yoonsu let her body collapse on the floor, closing her eyes to cease the throbbing pain in her head.

"You okay?" Donghyuck chuckled whilst standing up and stretched his sore muscles

"No" She bluntly responded, covering her eyes with her arms.

Yoonsu sat up, glancing at Donghyuck.

"Do you have a soulmate?" She breathed out, causing the tired boy to look at her

"I haven't met her yet" he huffed out, looking at her

"Oh, me too"


"Wait, how does this soulmate shit works?" Donghyuck asked as Yoonsu knitted her brows, thinking of an answer

"I heard that a tattoo would appear on your body as soon as you've touched your soulmate. Unfortunately, you would slowly die within 6 days without him or her. In conclusion, you need each other in order to live." She responded, looking up at the plain white ceiling

"That must be hard" He scoffed out.

"Both of you are meant for each other, which means, it's impossible to not fall in love with them. You'll crave for their love as soon as your bond strengthens." Yoonsu added, followed by a sigh

"So, they would feel each other's emotions?" He asked, curiosity plastered on his face

"Exactly, you would also feel if they're in danger. You would feel their pain and taste what their eating and stuff. I don't really know the details about this thing" She shrugged as Donghyuck nodded in acknowledgment.

"Perhaps, you can communicate telepathically?" He raised his eyebrows as Yoonsu looked at him wide eyed

"Exactly! I forgot about that" She snapped her fingers and breathed out air she didn't know she was holding in for a while.

"It's kind of complicated in my opinion, I don't want my other half to feel my pain" He looked down and bit his lower lip

"W-What do you mean?" She asked tilting her head to the side to get a better look of his face

"I shouldn't tell you." He said

"It's okay, she will understand. She's technically your other half anyways" She shrugged

"She's your missing puzzle piece"

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You see what I did there? 😂👀

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