10 ✴️

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✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

Yoonsu opened her eyes, her mind still processing what was happening. The sunlight covering her room and coated her honey skin. Her body felt heavy, she couldn't move even the slightest bit.

She blinked several times to get rid of her blurry vision. A shaky breath left her lips.

The door creaked open, revealing her pale mother, worry plastered on her features. Her eyes landed on her daughter. "You're finally awake" Haeji ran to her daughter and placed a palm on her forehead

"Are you sick? What happened?" Her mother asked, her brows knitted together worryingly.

"M-Mom..." Yoonsu managed to whisper through her sore throat, but she ended up coughing violently

"Yoon, please tell me what's going on?" Haeji caressed her hair soothingly.

A red string tugged on her finger, causing Haeji's eyes to widen. To confirm what she's thinking, she gently held Yoonsu's hand and looked at her palm, seeing a black tattoo, formed into an infinity sign. "You've touched your soulmate.." Her eyes trailed to the string

"W-What?" Yoonsu tried to get up, but the stinging and throbbing pain held her back, causing her to collapse on the bed once again, her head hitting the soft pillow under her

"Who is he, Yoonsu?" Her mother asked, her eyes full of hope.

"I don't remember..." Yoonsu answered as she stared at her mother through her blurry vision. Haeji's shoulders dropped at her daughter's response.

"I'll be back, Yoon. You should rest" Haeji stood up and took a glance at her weak daughter, gulping the lump in her throat before stepping out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving Yoonsu, isolated on her bed, weak and helpless.


"We can't lose her, Jisu" Haeji whispered to her husband, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"It can't be that boy, right?" Jisu asked, anger attached in his tone. "I don't know" His wife responded, tears finally escaping her eyes as it rolled down her cheeks.

"What should we do?" She asked again, hopelessness could be seen in her glossy eyes. Jisu stared at her, and a sigh escaped his lips. "That boy is dangerous, Haeji. We can't put our daughter in danger, she shouldn't be around him" He declared, his jaw clenched as well as his fists, knuckles turning white.

"We can't do anything else but let them be together, Jisu." Haeji cupped her husband's face, making him close his eyes

"I just don't want to lose another child again..."

✴️ c a t a s t r o p h i c ✴️

So to clear things up,

Once the 6 days starts, soulmates will start to lose their memories. That's why Yoonsu couldn't remember who she last touched.

Anyways, what should happen y'all?

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