Shattered Hearts

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Yibo was gearing up for many of his events coming up. And he had not been letting his mind rest in order not to drift and feed on his heartache.

In the morning he had hit the race track with his motor cycle - pressing it on the pedal he hadn't stop and he sped up throughout and it's been a week that his crew have been cautioning for him to take a rest. He had not stop until his next schedule hit. The crew was clueless as to what had hit Yibo, he told them to only come in later and he wanted time to spend time sharpening his skills at the bend early every morning and they let him have his space.

His manager suspected it was the pressure they had been putting on him with regards to not meeting Xiao Zhan and blocking news on Xiao Zhan from him. But the game is as such. He had been upset and the fact they used reverse psychology on Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan had taken the bait and had now prevent Yibo from doing things out of his own will. Instead they have manage to use his weakness back on him.

He despise how things are turning out and the way he was managed and made to bend to every command and decisions. It went against his principles of doing what he feels like and what he thinks it's right. He took it out on the tracks every morning. His inability to protect the promise he had made. The inability to be there when Zhan needed someone, he felt incapable of even keeping his love one secure and he firmly believe all that's going on is a conspiracy for them to keep him and Zhan Ge away from each other. They had painted the story how Zhan's situation will impact him to Xiao Zhan and knowing Xiao Zhan's personality he will do what it takes to protect Yibo at all cost. If they can't get through Yibo they only way is to get through Xiao Zhan and they have cleverly manipulated forcing Zhan to stay away from him.

He can only watch him from a distance, how lonely Zhan is ... to stop them from harassing Zhan he had to pull off publicly that they had somehow pass the stage they had and were moving on. He had force himself to stop calling Zhan and stop relying on the emotional support to give Zhan space to recover and find his footing back.

And his extreme behaviour makes others afraid guessing if he was alright as he had became more serious and quiet. Yibo couldn't do anything out of the line as his every actions were watched and every time he was caught flaunting the rules - it will be Zhan that gets the tough message.

Enough is enough he won't let them control him through Xiao Zhan let alone put Xiao Zhan in that position. He took his anger and disappointment out on the tracks speeding it and letting his frustration out. And when he is done in the morning he will start his schedule for the day. That was his routine.

Yibo had distant himself...for Zhan's sake and so that's what each of them thought.

Hey just to let you know won't be going back to my old place - moving somewhere nearer to the studio, yeah easier. don't worry I know it's been a while but thought I should let you know just in case, it's still there but just keeping it empty for now [XZ]

Yibo stopped and ask everyone to leave when he read that, he was wrapping up for the day. He sat down on the floor just replaying what he read. He had been listening and giving in to Zhan - Zhan has taken it further with this. Why is he moving out? Why? There were just too many whys and he could only decipher both the higher decision makers plan to keep them apart.

"Why?" He texted back. There wasn't a reply

And it was this superficial reply that made Yibo upset. Why is Zhan always the one who makes decision for them. Why must it always be this way when he believes in freedom of just pursuing what is right outwardly. Brave the consequences. That night he went straight to Zhan's place. He waited outside, he watched from outside and the lights were still on but he wasn't sure if he should go up. He waited and texted him.

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