Your Heart and Eyes, I know them so well

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Yibo stormed out of his office as soon as he saw the photo of Zhan that was taken by his personal aid. He knows he promised Zhan to remove any resources that he had placed to follow him fearing for his safety given all the publicity that he has been on.

Yibo had still quietly ignoring this particular request as he wasn't sure if he could compromise with Zhan's safety even though Zhan convinced him things has settled down recently and their relationship have been a little distant. Yibo never stop caring and loving him. Each day in fact not seeing Zhan made him clearer about what he felt and he knows Zhan is stubbornly putting up a wall in between, he had to find ways to either tear it down and put up his own wall as well. And time has made him choose re enact back his old self, his cold and stoic self before he met Zhan.

But his assumption that Zhan was done with this whole relationship and had changed throughout the last couple of weeks clearly his fault.

Yibo's phone rang and he picked it up immediately

"Sir there's something I think you should know...sending to you now"

Yibo saw the pictures of Zhan standing and walking in the rain, falling to his knees looking at the phone. His heart sank - he had been wrong all while. Zhan is definitely skilled at hiding his feelings - he couldn not even pick up any signals except for hating Zhan's distant call out to him when he was with his crew yesterday. And just as Yibo recall how he was hurling harsh words at him internally - he realised he was wrong, so wrong not to know Zhan enough that Zhan's doing all these while is hurting himself as opposed to what he thought.

"Mmm - how long?" Yibo asked
"30 minutes or more" the other person answer
"Today?" he asked again
"Back at studio"

At that he took his jacket and stormed out but halted and made a call to his manager.

"Some emergency can you move my schedule?" He asked
"Where are you heading, you've got an interview and a shoot and some meetings"
He hesitated but comply to stay back minimising further suspicion and issues that could complicate matters.

He was rushing through his schedule for the day. He couldn't want to get through the day.

Over at Xiao Zhan studio Xiao Zhan had been working on several discussion with team on his plans for the next few months, the launch of his song had been successful and he wanted to discuss on some other subsequent plans. Everyone was just excited to have him back and his positive energy recharge the team as they focus on getting through the day.

"Zhan did you bring the script you said you wanted me to take a look at?"

"Ooh I forgot about it again! It's in my old place - I'll bring it tomorrow"

The night rain yesterday had given him a headache and he was down with slight fever and chills. He wrapped up his work and then took an early off detouring to his old place to retrieve a few scripts and sketch books which he left prior to shifting over to his new place.

When he reached, he went straight in after unlocking the door. He didn't like coming back here - the place brings back memories of the past. He stepped in and a heavy heart follows. Every corner he turn to he remembers the time he had with Yibo. He numbed his heart as usual and head in to the bedroom drawer and pulled out what he needed. He wanted them to incorporate the scripts into one of his work. He stood at the window downstairs, his usual workspace as he touched his remaining art work that was still there. He look - one that he had painted when Yibo was staying in with him. A sudden rush of memory came back - something that he dread would happen if he stayed longer. He hated this place at times like this, he hated himself getting vulnerable. He stood there just forcing himself to refocus and practice controlling his emotions, as he will need this very often moving forward.

I'm still here - YiZhan Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя