Chapter 10: Meeting Arthit Had Consequences

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Kongpob's POV
I woke up early in the morning with these new memories of meeting Arthit at the internet cafe I used to frequent before dad's accident. I was grinning ear to ear when a memory of Arthit kissing me in an alley popped up in my head.

You really did it, Arthit. You became my first kiss.

Sitting for the breakfast with mom, I had even more memories of Arthit — Going to his apartment. Sharing a waffle with him. Deciding on a dinner date with him.

I wonder how the dinner date went. Did Arthit kiss me again? Or may be we finally watched that movie after dinner we were supposed ?

"Kong, why are you smiling so much today?," asked Mom.

"Just had a good, old memory pop up in my head.

Uh. Mom, I need dad's accident details for some insurance stuff. Where are the papers?"

"The originals are still with the police. The duplicates should be in the drawer of my bedroom. I'll get them for you"

"No, its okay mom. I'll go find them."

Scanning through the papers in the drawer, I finally found what I was looking for.

"A drunk driver in a red Mercedes crashed her car into a Fiat SUV on January 31st, 2017 around 11am, near the Bangkok University Freeway.

While the drunk driver Maya Rojnapat died on the spot, the Fiat SUV driver, Thipat Suthiluck and his 18-year old son were rushed to the hospital."

"Maya Rojnapat? Is that really Arthit's mom?

The surname and date matches with the details Aim gave me, but I still need to confirm."

I called Aim right away.

"Hey Kong? Did you think about the Seoul project yet? Its a great rom com. The role will fit you perfectly."

"No Aim, but I promise I will consider it. I need help with something else right now."

"What is it?"

"Maya Rojnapat. She was the woman who crashed my dad's car and caused his accident. I want you to find out about her kids and family"

"Kong, its been three years. Why are you suddenly looking into this?

"I just need to confirm something, Aim. Please"

"You are not going to go confront her kids are you? The woman is dead, Kong"

"I KNOW, OKAY? Just get me the information. I wont do anything I swear. I just need to know this."

"Okay. Only because I believe you Kong. I'll text you as soon as I get some details."

I thought it would take days for Aim to get back to you, but he called me within an hour.

"Kong, what the hell are you up to? Tell me seriously. NOW"

"What do you mean, Aim? I just need some information. That's it."

"First you ask about Arthit, and then you ask about his mom? Did you already know Arthit's mom caused your dad's accident? Is that why you were asking about him last week."

So.. it's really true.

"Aim, I'll talk to you later. I gotta go."

Just as I put down the phone, my head started paining, so much so that I couldn't even stand. I suddenly had these new memories in my head which were overlapping the old ones.

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