Bonus Chapter: February 2020

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July 2019

When Kongpob came back home after a long day of classes at college, he found Arthit was slouching on the small dining table of their apartment, trying to finish his next day's presentation. He had his glasses on and he was squinting his eyes staring at the laptop screen. 

There were papers all around him — literally all around him. He was so engrossed in his work, he didn't even realise Kongpob come in.

Kongpob walked towards him and put his hands on Arthit's shoulders. "Arthit, you need to stop working from that damn dining table. Its going to hurt your neck badly someday. Let's just go buy a proper working desk for you tomorrow."

"We don't have space for another table, Kong. The house is already cramped with both of our stuff, " said Arthit without even looking up from his laptop.

Kongpob took a deep breath. He knew exactly where this conversation was headed and he didn't want to start the same argument with Arthit all over again. He didn't have the strength to have the same argument again.

But suddenly his eyes went on the papers lying on the table. They seemed like some property papers. He picked them up and scanned through them while Arthit was still busy working.

"Arthit.. what the hell is this? You bought this apartment?"

Arthit stopped typing and looked up, trying his best to feign innocence. "Ummm.. the owner was looking to sell the house and I didn't want to move. Plus, I got a great deal actually since the owner always thought this house was haunted"

"And why exactly do you not want to move? Arthit, this apartment is already cramped with all our stuff, you just said this yourself. It is obviously too small for both of us. There is not even space for you to keep a working desk. You are slouching and working on a damn dining table — and you bought this apartment without even asking me about it "

Arthit took off his glasses in frustration. He had already had a long day and he didn't want to get into this right now. Kongpob wouldn't even understand why Arthit bought this apartment, at least not now.

"I just like this apartment okay, so I bought it. We are not having this conversation again. really don't have the time to level with you right now Kong."

"No, we are absolutely having this conversation right now." Kongpob slammed his hands on the table. His anger was getting the best of him and he couldn't understand what was going on in Arthit's head anymore .

"Arthit, you rented this when you were broke college student and at odds with your family. What is the sense of us staying here anymore? Tell me why one of the richest men in this country is living in a cramped up one bedroom apartment which literally has no space?"


Kongpob was speechless, not because he was surprised at Arthit's sudden outburst, but because he was hurt. It was the first time Arthit had ever yelled at him. And all for this stupid apartment.

"Arthit.. are you saying that it doesn't matter to you whether I stay here or not? Do you really care about this house more than me?"

Arthit closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had gone too far and taken out all of his work stress on Kongpob. Of course the apartment was important to him, it was where he met Kongpob for the first time, but it wasn't more important than his Kong, and it definitely wasn't worth seeing the hurt in Kongpob's eyes.

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