Chapter 37: The Finale

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Kongpov's POV (February 2020)

When I woke up, it was already dark outside.

I had somehow slept in the bedroom while waiting for Arthit to come back home, safe and sound — and avoiding the whole accident. But the dusk had fallen, room was all dark, and he was still not here.

If he really avoided the whole accident, would I ever see him again? Or did I just lose him forever?

Suddenly, I heard the door click and someone come in.

"Arthit, is that you? Are you okay? I am in the bedroom."

"No, I am obviously not okay, Kong. I felt like I was going to die today."

"WHAT? What do you mean you were going to die? What happened? Come here right now.

I tried pressing the switchboard buttons near the bed, but the lights won't switch on in the room. When Arthit came inside the room, I could see his silhouette even in darkness.

At least he looked okay. He was walking okay. He didn't seem hurt.

Arthit switched on the lights by pressing buttons near the door. "Those buttons near the bed stopped working six months ago, did you forget already? We really should get an electrician to sort it though."

Finally, I could see Arthit properly. He was wearing a black suit and his hairs looked..different. He was wearing an expensive watch and there was a ring on his finger. He looked.. older and different.

"When..when did you get that ring? What happened today?"

"We are not playing this game again Kong. You know when I got the ring. Don't make me feel guilty about coming home late.

I had a hell of a day today. Those people attacked me like animals. I can't believe I am still alive."

"Who attacked you? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"Of course not. I am Arthit Rojnapat, the CEO of Enterprise Industries. I don't take sh*t from any one. I told them they can either take the deal or walk away. We didn't need this partnership anyway. They needed us more"

"Wait... what?"

"That's exactly what they said" Arthit laughed and took off his blazer and tie. "Then of course, they had to budge and they ended up signing the contract."

Arthit took off his shirt next and I could see his bare chest. "I am sorry it took so long, Kong. I rushed here as soon as I could. Let me take a quick shower and then we can leave for dinner at your parents' house"

Arthit took off his pants next and I was just blinking incessantly trying to make sense of what was happening. It was all too much to take in.

"My parents?"

"Yeah of course. Did you forget? Why are you being so weird today? Your dad already told me he was cooking chicken to celebrate you joining the company officially next month. And honestly, I am so hungry right now I could eat the whole thing myself"

"My cooking? Our still there?"

"Get dressed, Kong. Stop lazying around on the bed just because its Sunday. It doesn't suit you, Mr Head Hazer. I am going into the shower. You better be ready when I get out."

And just like that, Arthit disappeared into the bathroom. I could hear the water falling on the floor. I looked around the room trying to make sense of what just happened.

Did the future change again? Arthit is definitely the future Arthit and not the same person I saw in the morning. He is alive in my timeline. He seems happy. He said my dad was cooking dinner for us. So dad was alive too. But what about Arthit's mom?

When I looked down, I saw a ring on my finger, same as Arthit's ring. But.. there was a scar on my left arm, a scar I did not have before.

What happened? Did I really get into the accident?

On my bedside table was a picture of me, Arthit, and a woman. A woman I had not met before. "Why does she look familiar?"

"Ahhh..." There was a sudden pain in my head. New memories rushing in, and replacing the old ones. They new, happier memories of Arthit and me spending our time together — going on dates, taking long drives, travelling to new places, and meeting Arthit' That woman in the picture is Arthit's mom!


There was only one way to find out.

I ran into the bathroom, jumped into the shower and held Arthit's hand. "I... I can really touch you without calling you out."

"Are you sure that's the part of my body you want to touch?" Arthit was smiling smugly at me. I looked up and realised what Arthit meant. "You could have at least taken your clothes off Kong, what was the hurry?"

I was at a loss of words, so I did what I needed to do all along, I kissed Arthit. He wrapped his hands around me and kissed me back. He was opening my shirt one button at a time, and I felt like I was losing every inch of my sanity.

"You did it Arthit. You changed the future. You saved us" Arthit pulled his hands away from me and his eyes got bigger than I had ever seen before.

"What.. what did you just say?"

I wrapped my hands around his waist and kissed him on the lips again. "I said, thank you for saving me, for saving us. I can't believe you just changed my whole life."

"Kong, are you seriously saying what I think you are saying?"

--——- THE END ———

A/N- I FINISHED THE STORY, YOU GUYS!! This is the first thing I have finished in 2020, but I am honestly so happy about it.  (okay, may be left it on an open end, but I really wanted to do that. I deliberately wanted to keep a few things open for interpretation.


ALSO, final spoiler: Kongpob could see past Arthit in his apartment because Arthit was dead in his world. It was fate trying to bring them together. When Arthit was alive in Kongpob's world for a little while (Chapter 13), Kongpob was on the movie set. By the time, he came back to the apartment, Arthit was already dead. SO THERE YOU HAVE IT!

I actually had the idea of the final chapter first, and then I worked backwards to create a whole story. I really hope you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I want to thank all of the beautiful readers who supported me and sent me sweet comments all through the story. Without your comments and messages, I honestly wouldn't have been able to finish this story. A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU.


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