Chapter- 23

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

The next day passed just in a blurr and it was Thursday before I knew. It was morning and chaos in the house. Everyone was getting ready to go to Preeti's house and I was still packing to leave for college. From there, a bus was arranged to go to the camp.

" Swara, please take care of yourself and don't get into trouble." Mom schooled me.

" Promise mom, I'll not get into trouble." I sighed, assuring her for the millionth time.

" Relax Amrita and let her go now or else she'll get late. Beta Aditya, walk her to the car." Dad rescued me before putting me into trouble again. Did he not know that his son is a lecture machine too?

I cuddled with Bubbles for a while who was trying to run to Aditya. Oh my god! He loves him and hates me. And he is my baby! Aditya is Mr. Traitor!

Anyways, I started to walk out after bidding bye to everyone and as expected, Aditya's lecture started.

" No Aditya, no lectures please right now. I can manage myself." I assured him.

" But...." He started but I really was in no mood.

" Aditya, bye. I'll see you on Saturday morning." I sang while sitting in the car.

" Bye, take care and stay out of any trouble." He anyhow said as the driver drove off.

Why does everyone keep on asking me to stay out of trouble. It's not like I get into it very soon or intentionally. Huh! Weird people!

Midway, my cell phone went off. It was mumma.

" Heyy mumma." I greeted her.

" Shona, are you there in college?" She asked.

" I've not reached till now. Will be there soon." I replied.

" Shona, please listen to all the instructions carefully, stay safe and please stay out of trouble." She schooled me.

" Yes mumma, I'll do everything you say, now relax. I'll come home on Saturday after camp and you make my favourite cheesy burger for me!" I demanded and she agreed, hanging up, I wondered why does everyone associate me with trouble? Geez!

I was on time and joined my group. Soon, the instructions were given and we boarded the bus. It was a two hour journey.

" S, truth or dare? It's your turn." Aryan said as the bottle pointed towards me. We had reached three hours back and were sitting in our camps. It was leisure time after all of the rock climbing and river rafting activities today.

" Dare." I chose.

" Call Aditya from Khadija's phone and flirt with him in a different voice." Aryan said.

" Of course not! I am not going to do this. No discussions." I declared.

" You cannot back out Swara, it's truth and dare." Tanya reverted.

" Anything else but this." I tried to argue.

" Na-da. Only this." I was pressurized by everyone so I had to do it. It would have been better to choose truth!

Khadija handed me over her phone and I took mine to see Aditya's number and called him. He picked the phone in four rings.

" Hello." His deep voice rang in my ears.

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