Chapter- 26

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

Ronita and I went for clubbing in the evening along with a few other friends on my birthday. We didn't drink too much because it was our first day for work yesterday and we didn't want to risk it. Besides, anyways I was a light weight, couldn't handle much alcohol.

Turning twenty five seemed like a big deal. Though I was here, partying in a club in London, I missed home. I missed everyone back there. I wondered did Kritika and Aditya get married, did they have a kid now, about both of my moms and dads, Aryan and my Bubbles.

It was almost midnight when we got hella tired after dancing.

" Swaru, let's head back. We don't want to get late tomorrow." She said and I nodded and walked out, hailing a cab.

Then, as I got to my room, I just put an alarm on my phone, looked at mumma and papa's photo and crashed on the bed.

Just like the other five years, this birthday was boring, uneventful and unexciting too.


" Swaru.....wake up, it's already 7. We need to report there by 8:30." I heard Ro's voice which immediately grabbed my attention.

" Shit. I don't know what happened to the alarm." I said, getting up.

" Don't worry. Just freshen up soon. I've made breakfast today." She assured me and I ran to the restroom to get ready.

I was ready in about half an hour and we had breakfast in fifteen minutes and took the local bus.

We were there by 8:20. That was ten minutes early.

" Now let's show them what these Indian girls can do!" Ro cheered up and so did I.

I closed my eyes for a split second and I saw the faces of everyone I love. Then sighed, and we walked inside.

" We own where we go." I muttered and smiled and walked towards my department.

" Good morning all of you. I'm Alice Waterman, your supervisor and will be giving you your orientation so I want all of you to listen very carefully and make notes if needed be because I'll not be repeating myself again about the rules after today." She started in a no nonsense tone and we obliged.

The training went on for all of the day and we were assigned cubicles to work and given company laptops and stationary.

It was seven in the evening when I was done with the task assigned. Ronita was already done ten minutes back and was waiting for me to finish up so that we could leave.

" Let's go." I said and we took a bus back to the apartment.

As I opened my wardrobe to take my sleepwear, my eyes fell on the mangalsutra which must have come by mistake with me when I was packing to leave six years back in haste.

That memory was just as fresh as if it had happened just yesterday. I still was not over it and it just brought tears in my eyes whenever I thought about that day. All the I had so much fun with him, we even had pizza together and then ice cream and then I saw what I saw, it still breaks my heart to think that it was Kritika he chose over me. It still hurts.

" Swara, don't dwell into all of that. It was very difficult for you to get over it. You have a new life here with good people. Don't think about the past." I schooled myself.

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