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It was 11:27 at night, and Arthur lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. The silence of the night normally put him at peace, blocking his thoughts and leaving him drifting soundlessly in his slumber. But not this night. Arthur had been fidgeting for almost two hours now, turning over constantly in his duvet, hanging off the bed, you name it. Something, or rather, someone was bothering him. Every time his image appeared in his head, his stomach seemed to flip over, forcing himself to curl up into a ball, his face burning. He decided that trying to get to sleep was useless, even though he was tired senseless. The next thing he knew, he was in his messages, typing out a few words with his thumbs. The light from his phone softly illuminated his dark room as he pressed the send button, tightening his duvet around himself.

A: Hey, are you awake?

He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. What if he had disturbed his sleep?

The cold was also getting to him. He hated the cold, he wasn't used to it, and it didn't help that his heater had broken down. And he didn't know how to fix it.

F: Oui, why are you still awake?

The sudden but gentle buzz pulled Arthur out of his daze. He didn't expect to get an answer from him, not at this time of night anyway. It made him happier nonetheless.

A: I can't sleep, also my heater broke, I'm freezing

F: Me neither

Well, at least he wasn't the only tired one.

F: Why don't you come over?

F: You can stay in your pjs, I don't mind

Arthur's heart fluttered. Yes, it was half eleven at night, yes, he should be sleeping, but the thought of being next to someone he was close with comforted him.

A: Are you sure?

F: Oui, 100%

F: Come over, please, I'm lonely haha

A: Okay, I'll be there in a few

He jumped out of his duvet, the cold air immediately hitting him, sending a shiver down his spine. He grabbed his keys and phone, and ran down the stairs, trying to keep warm. Pulling on a random jacket and shoes, he quietly left the building as to not disturb anyone else on the street.

On his way there, Arthur realised he had put the wrong type of jacket on. The pockets only had enough space for his keys, and his phone was a tight fit. He couldn't fit his hands in them, and with the temperatures being low, he was forced to try and ignore the cold. It numbed his hands, and his were stiff when he tried to curl them into a fist. Arthur sighed, his breath visible in front of him. How could he let his own stupidity get to him?

A few minutes after walking through the cold, he approached the Frenchman's front door. He rose his stiff fist and gave three weak knocks, none of which he could feel. He heard the lock on the other side slide, and the door swung open to reveal the inhabitant. Francis.

"Oh, mon dieu! Arthur you're freezing!"

In fact, Arthur was indeed shivering, and hugging himself, which he hadn't remembered himself doing. He lowered his arms to his sides, just before Francis gently pulled him inside and shut the door. Arthur instantly felt a waft of warmth inside the other's house, but he was still shivering and numb. He managed to slip his shoes off and leave them next to the door, though, and he immediately stood back upright.

"What're in your pockets?"
"Actually no scrap that-" Francis took off Arthur's jacket and hung it up, and then picked him up bridal style and carried him all the way up to his room.
"Wh- What are you doing?!" Arthur had to quickly wrap his arms around the other's neck, and he was scared shitless from being suddenly picked up.

"Taking you to my room, it's warmer in there," Francis replied, looking down softly at the man he was carrying. Arthur looked back up at him, suddenly realising he was holding onto the other for dear life, so he loosened his grip slightly.

"I uh- sorry if I was holding you too tight, uh-"
"You're fine," he gave a single chuckle, which pulled at Arthur's heartstrings.

They entered Francis' room, and he put Arthur down, going over to the radiator to check that it was still on. Arthur sat at the foot of his bed, fiddling with his fingers, which still hadn't started to defrost.

Francis then also sat on his bed, leaning against his pillows. He looked at Arthur, who he knew was still cold. Arthur turned his head to see Francis looking at him. The expression on his face seemed sad and apologetic as he gazed into Francis' eyes.

"Hey-" he patted his lap, "c'mere, you're still cold."

After a few seconds of hesitation, Arthur gave a smile and crawled over, snuggling up to the other. His cold fingers brushed against Francis' warm hand, which made him flinch.

"Woah, you really are cold! Quick, gimme your hands" Francis then took Arthur's hands and held them under his own top, defrosting them.

Arthur giggled, "Hey, frog, don't be stupid!" He buried his face in his own arm, embarrassed by the gesture.

After a few minutes, Arthur's head was resting against the other's chest, which was slowly rising and falling with his even, rhythmic breaths.

"...Are you still cold?"

"...A little bit," Arthur exhaled through his nose. He was startled by the sudden ruffling of the sheets as Francis pulled his duvet over the pair.



Without thinking, Arthur wrapped his arms around the Frenchman, the comfort then being returned by his hair being stroked.

Arthur was on the brink of sleep, but he wanted to stay awake, he wanted to enjoy this moment for longer. Being with Francis had killed off the cold, and made him realise how tired he really was.

His eyes fluttered shut.

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