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"Fra- Francis listen to me."

The grip around their conjoined hands tightened.

"We're gonna get through this. Together."

Francis nodded. The two took a moment to look eachother in the eyes, ignoring how the world around them crumbled and tore apart.

The portal was the only way to get any further.

"A-Arthur just before we go in I..." the Frenchman looked down, swallowing thickly before facing the Brit again.

"Just before we go in please remember no matter what- I love you."

"I love you too Francis."

The two both looked as if they were about to break down.

"Alright. Come on."

They stepped through the portal, just before it was engulfed.

Arthurs POV

Falling. Arthur was falling. It was a gentle fall, almost as if he was floating like a feather. He could feel the air that passed through him as he descended.

Surrounding him was darkness. A never ending darkness that seemed to stretch for... well, forever. It was odd that he could see himself perfectly when there was no light anywhere.

He looked down. He looked up. Just like to his sides, complete darkness.

Arthur was in the abyss.


Not there.

In an attempt to reach him the Brit called out his name.. except no sound had left his mouth.

He could move, but he couldn't talk.

He tried clapping.

Upon impact no sound was made, and strangely enough nothing was felt. He tried slapping himself, and yet again there was no pain nor sound.

Was... he dead? It was entirely possible. It's not like he knew what was going to happen once he stepped through the portal.

He just had to escape.

Looking at his hands, Arthur began wondering if Francis was actually here with him, going through the same sort of experience.

Except Francis wasn't there with him.

Francis' POV

Francis was having the complete opposite experience. He could talk, hear, feel, everything.

His world seemed fairly normal, minus all of the people. Upon waking up (for he had ended up passing out along the way), the Frenchman had found himself in the wilderness. He had gotten up and looked around.

Yet he felt like he was forgetting something...

By now he had travelled a little bit. During his travels he had thought long and hard about why he was here.

He could only remember little snippets of things. No important details, just a brief.. image.

What he could remember was that he was running. Running and running, on and on... with... someone. He assumed they were trying to escape something. Another person, perhaps?

Then the two walked into something. Francis saw a bright light and the next thing he knew he was out here.

The Frenchman looked down at his feet and noticed that the bottoms of his trousers were singed and ripped, and his socks and shoes were ruined. This caused him to check his upper clothing, all of which also had smaller tears and he had a few minor cuts and burns.

What the hell happened? And why couldn't he remember?

Francis had noticed a little shack sort of structure in the distance. Having seeing no other people, he decided to make his way towards it, hoping to find someone.

Arthur's POV

It had taken a while but eventually Arthur had hit what he assumed was the bottom. He could now feel things, but there was still no sound.

Cautiously he got up, standing straight and looking ahead of him.

A door seemed to magically appear before him. He was taken aback slightly, but considering he had nowhere else to go, he reached for the doorknob, slowly turning it.

It was a room. Rather untouched, might I add. It led to a few other rooms.. was it a house?

Upon closing the door behind him, it disappeared. Weird, he thought.

Where was he anyway? He had just stumbled upon this.. house- building, whatever it was.

He cautiously explored, looking to see if there was anyone else in the building, which there wasn't. Arthur frowned, he had the place to himself, for now anyway. Though, he didn't really want to touch anything as he didn't know what this was or who it belonged to.

It was sudden, a heavy knock on the front door. So sudden and loud that it made the Brit jump a little.

He went over to the door and hesitantly opened it.


Noones POV

The two stood in silence for a moment, looking eachother down.

Arthur's eyes did nothing but widen as he took in the other's state. Ripped and singed clothing, a few scratches here and there..

He brought the Frenchman inside and sat him on a chair, before seeing if there was anything he could tend to his minor wounds with. Thankfully there was a small first aid kit in a back room.

Francis sat quietly on the chair, his gaze drifting around the room he was in. He watched the blonde reenter the room with the first aid kit, before he began tending to his scratches. He just sat silently and watched.

It took a moment to realise, but the Brit remembered what happened.

The portal. Thats why Francis is in his state.

Weird, because he was perfectly fine.

"Francis, how did you end up here?" Arthur couldn't help but question as he began cleaning another scratch.

"I don't understand.." came his quiet response.

A small smile broke from the Brit. "Don't worry, neither do I-"

He was cut off by Francis, who's response was a little louder this time. He gave what seemed a sad smile before it faded into confusion. "I hate to interrupt but.. I don't know who you are- who are you?"


Hello gamers, I finished the chunk :)

I think this is where I was going with it, at least-
I went from 600 ish words to over 900 though so thats cool B)

Oh also I didnt proof read this so if there's any mistakes please point them out qwq

The fact I titled this 'i wanna do something angsty' 😐 bruh

If you didn't understand it I'm sorry :pensive:

Anyway, let's see if I can continue getting out things-

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