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Francis sighed heavily as he shut the front door behind him. "Arthur, I'm home~!" He called out as he took off his shoes, then his coat, hanging it up on a peg. Realising he hadn't gotten a response, he looked into the living room.

There Arthur was, asleep on the couch, wrapped in a blanket.

Francis smiled to himself as he sat on the other end of the couch, trying not to disturb the other's slumber. Which he may have done, as without the Frenchman knowing, Arthur had woken up. Slowly, the Brit crawled over to Francis, laying on him in a ball.

He softly chuckled, but quickly realised this was VERY unlike Arthur. The normally stubborn Arthur, who NEVER gave hugs first.

His sea blue eyes fluttered down to the Brit. He was shivering, but his face was flushed a shade of red. Francis raised one of his hands and rested it on the smaller's forehead.


"Mon dieu! Arthur why didn't you call me? You're sick."

The Brit's voice was quiet and hoarse due to a sore throat. "...I didn't want to ruin your day... I didn't tell you this morning that I felt a bit off... but I wanted you to enjoy your day without me getting in the way," he spoke slowly, his eyes only half open, averted from meeting Francis's.

"Arthur... you should've said something, I could've cancelled.. and plus, you wouldn't have ruined my day as I would've got to stay with you," he sighed, stroking the top of Arthur's head. "I'll go and get you some water and pills, I'll be back."

With that, Francis got up and got what he needed, and within two minutes Arthur had a glass of water in his weak grip, pills resting in the other hand. He quickly took the pills, cringing at the gross taste, before reaching over and placing the glass on the table in front of them.

Francis gently pulled him over, wrapping himself around the smaller.

"Go to sleep, you need it."

"But I don't want you getting ill aswell-"

"I won't. Go to sleep."

Without hesitation, the Brit obeyed and turned on his side, curling up closer to Francis, his head leaning against his chest. He fell asleep to the familiar embrace of Francis's arms wrapped around him.

(Sorry that this one is short! {And kinda bad, oof) I'm currently working on something a lOT bigger - like, a full story, oof - so there will most likely be slower updates. Apart from the next one-shot, oot--
Thank you for reading~!)

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