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"Francis." Arthur walked up in front of Francis, looking up at him. "I need you to be dead serious with me."

Said Frenchman was confused. "Angleterre? What's wrong?"

He closed his eyes and swallowed before speaking. "Do you love me?"

"What? Of course I love you! W... why would you ask such a thing?" He tucked a stray hair behind the Brit's ear, just before he pulled away.

"Everyday when you leave I see you flirting with the girls who live on our street."

"But Art-"

"And they're pretty girls, too! Popular, pretty girls who make you laugh."


He turned around to face Francis again, his eyes glossed. "A-and to think of all the horrible things I've done to you and your country! Awful, unforgivable things! I-I took away the things you love, because I thought it was funny! But everyday I see you and I deeply regret everything that I did-"

"Arthur!" Francis sighed, standing in front of the Brit again. "I don't flirt with those girls, silly," He smiled softly, continuing. "I simply check in with them and make sure they're doing alright. And all of that stuff happened a long time ago, mon cher. As nations, we learn to grow and overcome things. For now, we need to focus on the future, not the past... I'll admit, when I found out some of the things you and your country had done... I was not happy... but I learned to accept it."

Arthur looked up into blue eyes.

"Those girls are pretty in each of their own ways, yes, but... so are you. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you are enthusiastic about. I love how your nose scrunches up when you get frustrated, especially at Alfred. Oh, and you can't forget your eyebrows." He chuckled. "They make you unique, in a good way, obviously. And how adorable you look when you're blushing, just like how you are now." He smirked.

Arthur was indeed a shade of red, and had gone quiet. Before he could do or say anything, Francis picked him up and spun him around in the air. Arthur's hands quickly flew to Francis's shoulders, gripping them as much as he could.

"F-Francis?! P-put me down!" He shrieked slightly, startled by the sudden large movements. A small chuckle quickly erupted into giggles. It was a rare sight seeing the smaller laugh this much.

After a few seconds, Francis slowed to a stop, gently putting Arthur down. Said Brit clung onto Francis's chest, still giggling quietly.

Francis muttered, his voice slightly muffled by Arthur's hair as he spoke. "I love your laugh... It's wonderful."

Arthur pulled away, wiping his eyes. "It's not-" he smiled, looking up at the other.

"But it is! Your laugh and smile are both beautiful. It's a shame smiley Arthur is buried under grouchy Arthur-"

"Oh, shush-" He wrapped his arms around the Frenchman. "I love you... you tosser."

Francis returned the embrace, smiling softly. "J'taime, Angleterre~."

(ok but smiley Arthur must be protected at ALL costs.)

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