Chapter nineteen

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It's a normal day for everyone again. Rachel and Riley is both back at school and Sarah at work. She can't stop thinking about the incredible weekend that passed by so fast.
"I was actually here early yesterday and I couldn't help but notice this," she say and show the stained dress to her employees. "Can anyone explain to me how no one could report this."
They remain quiet. She hang it up and put her hands angrily on her hips.
"No one?" Anger is filling up inside of her. "Don't just stand there! Get this out of my fucking way before I fire someone!"
They immediately move and take it. She look up at Richard that came in slowly.
"You have a moment?" He ask raising an eyebrow. She nod her head. They both walk to her office. She close her door and look at him. "I just wanted to come say goodbye for now. I have to go home and sort out a few things."
"Okay," she nod and go to her desk. "Are you sure you want to come back? It won't make any difference whether you stay there or come back, Richard. The kids are grown up."
"That may be true, but my home is here, not there," he say straightforward. She nod her head slowly with a pout and fold her arms looking at him. "When I kissed you, did it mean anything?"
"Well," she look up scratching her chin and chuckle. "You kind of had me with that butterfly shit in my stomach."
"Really?" he ask with a little smile.
"Don't get too excited," she giggle and role her eyes looking at him that came forward slowly. "I always get that fucking shit around you."
He just laugh and stop in front of her.
"You know what suck?" he ask giving her that soft look.
"The fact that we didn't dance last night," he whisper and give a heavy sighed. "I really would've wanted once to just put my arm around you, take your free hand in mine and let our feet sweep the floor just like we did twenty five years ago at our wedding."
"Oh Richard, let's not go there, okay? It hurts," she say and take a deep breath in. "Now, how late is your flight?"
"It's within three hours," he reply and look at his time then back at her.
"Well, good. I'll see you whenever you come back then," she mutter and grab the phone when it rang. "Yes? Put him through."
He just nod slowly and give a heavy sight leaving. Sarah watch him leave as she starts to talk about the usual work's topic.

Richard walk slowly down the airport. He stop in his tracks and look at Lilly that walked with him. She give him an odd look.
"What's the matter?" she ask with an odd look.
"Lilly, remember seven years ago when you rushed me for us to move away? You said it's best for me and Sarah," he give her an odd look. "Seven years, Lilly. Seven fucking years you kept quiet about that little girl."
"Richard, what are you talking about?" she ask laughing awkwardly.
"My daughter!" he shout at her. "That's who I'm talking about!"
His heart is pounding out of his chest in anger.
"Richard, that isn't your child. It's probably the man she was with while she was with you," Lilly reply angrily. Richard shake his head in disbelief. "She cheated on you, okay? I helped you out of that situation."
"No, Lilly. To be honest, Sarah is beautiful, but I don't think any other man would've even been interested in her that time. She gave her everything to her family and you took away what mattered the most to her. Why?"
She remain quiet. He shake his head and take out his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Phoning a friend," he reply and look at her. "Before I forget, I quit my job last night. No income anymore to keep your selfish ass with me."
"You quit?" she ask terrified. He pick up his bag and turn around running away slowly.

"Mommy, who is uncle Richy?" Rachel ask laying in her bed holding her mother's hand. Sarah look up at Riley that send her a smile then back at Rachel.
"Well, he is Riley, Archie, Charlton and Sammy's daddy," she smile nicely at her girl. "They always visit him, remember?"
"That's who they go and visit?"
"Yes," Sarah nod.
"And where's my daddy?"
"We already spoke about this Ray. Your daddy never knew mommy was pregnant and mommy just wanted to protect you."
"Was he bad?"
"No, daddy was a very, very good man."
"Is my daddy uncle Richy?"
Sarah look down getting tears in her eyes. Riley raise an eyebrow and look up at Richard that came to them. He give Riley a smile and stop assuming Sarah is trying to get Rachel to sleep.
"Yes sweetheart," she nod slowly and look at her.
"Don't cry mommy," Rachel try to comfort her. "I'm not mad at you."
"I know."
"So, does he know then?"
It's okay for young kids to be curious.
"Do you want him to know?" Sarah ask raising an eyebrow.
"I think so," she nod with a smile. "He deserves to know."
"What if he takes you away sweetheart? Then I won't have a little Ray."
"No mommy, but if I convince him, he won't take me away."
"Can I call him daddy?"
"Sure," Sarah nod slowly. She look down then up at the door. Richard make an appearance just in time. Her eyes stretch wide open. Rachel sit up straight as her little eyes light up.
"Richard, what are you doing here?" she ask and stand up.
"I asked for some assistance," he reply and walk to them. "They'll ship all my belongings, the divorce papers will be posted and I already got a transfer. I don't want to go another day without my daughters."
She straighten her body and watch him take a seat on the bed.
"Hello Rachel," he greet her.
"You can call me Ray," she smile at him.
"Okay Ray. Got it."
"Are you going to take me away from mommy?"
"Of course not!" he reply giving her a serious look. "Mommy has been more in your life than I was so why would I do such a thing?"
Sarah and Riley smile at each other and went out. Sarah stop in the door and look at the two.
"Do you want to be part of my life?"
"Yes, I do," he nod. She give him a smile and climb out of the bed into his arms. He give her a tight hug and let her sit in his lap. "So tell me Ray, are you seven years old?"
"Yes," she nod with a smile. "How old are you?"
"Forty seven," he reply with a smile.
"You're old!" she laugh. Sarah also laugh and fold her arms. "And you have a beard. That's very cool."
"And it tickles," he laugh and put his face in her neck to tickle her. She scream of laughter.
"Okay," Sarah step in and open her bed. "Time to sleep. You can talk in the morning."
"Oops, the boss has spoken," Richard laugh and put her in bed.
"Sing me a song," Rachel ask her mother. Sarah give a smile and go on her knees. "The song of a dream."
"Alright," Sarah laugh and start to run her finger softly around on her face singing to her. "I have a dream. A song to sing. To help me cope. With anything. If you see the wonder. Of a fairytale. You can take the future. Even if you fail. I believe in angels. Something good in everything I see. I believe in angels. When I know the time is right for me. I'll cross the stream. I have a dream."
She grab Richard's hand. They stand up quietly and sneak out. He give her a sweet smile and follow him down the hallway.
"So, who let you in?" she ask.
"Mom," he reply. She give a little smile and try her best to hide it.
"Is your luggage in the room?" she ask and glance up at him.
"Yes," he nod. She give a little giggle and look down.

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