Chapter 3

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My alarm wakes me up by two o'clock, in as much as I don't want to get up, I can't miss my first day and besides if I don't go today someone else might take my dorm room. I get up yawning lazily, change out of my pajamas and go into the bathroom. I shower quickly and towel my hair. Coming out of the tub i go and blow dry my hair, then make them curly putting one hair pin in my hair to keep it from my face, I've never been into makeup so I just use a shiny lip balm and use a little foundation on my face and my chicks to add a little color. I walk over to my closet trying to make up my mind on what to wear, I settle for a white normal shirt with high waist dark blue jeans and Aldo snickers, thhen for accessories I settle for a one piece necklace with a cross pendant and silver bracelet and watch and with that I am ready, I plug in my earphones back on my head and lay on my bed for a few moments looking around like I am never coming back. "Callie, come down or you will be late" my mum shouts from my door before walking away. I sigh and increase the volume of the headphones and take my remaining stuff heading downstairs. I can't be late because there is no time for first day resumption in dormitories. "don't you think you should wear like a dress or something?" my mum says "or something? Mom I don't and good afternoon " I say rolling my eyes, she always complains about literally everything, I seriously can't be more than happy to leave the house again, we eat lunch in between small talk then she makes sure she checks all my stuff to make sure I don't forget anything, then we head out.
The drive to college is exactly two hours thirty minutes, my earphones are still blasting in my ear when I look out of the car and read the sign..welcome to WSU.. Walter's state University
My mum and I pack my bags from the car and go in search of my room with the key and tag they had given me on my way in. We look around for awhile till we finally spot my door "Right here mom" I tell my mum who starts walking faster towards me on heels... Jeez... Doesn't she get tired of them. I open my room door to see a blonde haired girl on a bed reading something on her phone. She looks up and smiles when she sees me "Hi, you must be Callie, I am Chloe" she says beaming at me.
Nice C+C.
My subconscious drops in. "Hi, nice to meet you" i say trying to be polite she also greets my mum then goes on talking to me "you're my new roommate, at first I got pissed at the idea of my privacy been shared with a fresher, but then I thought we could make the best out it" she says lightly. She's in her second year her sophomore year which is nice, she goes back to her phone while I escort my mum back to the car "I am going to miss you so much" my mum says. I could easily hear the hint of tears about to drop from her raspy voice, she blinks her eyes rapidly to prevent it then hugs me "be good okay?" she says warning me. "yeah yeah I will, bye" I say definitely not ready for an emotional roller coaster with her this early afternoon, she hugs me one more time and drives off waving until she's finally out of sight. I sigh, that wasn't so bad, getting back to my room i see Chloe on her bed again, talking to someone on the phone, I try to be quiet so she isn't disturbed then i start arranging my bed side and making my side of the room the way I want it with my wallpapers, pictures and so on, I'm busy arranging my things but when I turn, I see Chloe looking at me "what?" I laugh.. "nothing, nothing at all I was just wondering about something and you happened to be by the window which is where I was looking" she says, "oh, sorry" I say moving to give her a better view. "na it's okay, I'm done thinking, so what do you want to do today it's just five o'clock, we could probably hang out so we could bond and things wouldn't be awkward between us" she says.
I had planned on going out today to look around, even tho I wasn't sure where but Chloe said she could take me out, my mum won't approve of me going out on my first day but oh well she's not here, I smile at the idea. "Yh sure, when do you want to go?" I ask her, She checks her phone then replies "in about thirty minutes, and when I am sure you are through arranging, we can't come back and you will continue arranging that will be too much stress, so just continue when your done we can go". "okay" I say. She's kind, really cute, and caring, that's a girl I would date.. Not.. My sub says.
Within twenty minutes I'm done arranging my stuff. "hey, I am ready" I say turning to Chloe. "oh great, do you think I should change, you look drop dead gorgeous tho" she says looking me up and down. I take in her dress, she's wearing shorts and a tank top with loafers. Not bad "you look good, but if you want you could change your shorts just in case it gets cold in the evening" I say "Yh you're right thanks" she turns to her closet and switches her shorts for a pair of joggers with socks and sneakers then she wears a white hoodie. "you look nice" I say smiling. "Yh, and you look hot" she teases. "yh right, shall we?" I say bringing out my arm "we shall" she says laughing taking my hand before locking the door and we laugh all the way to her car.
I really need to get a car because all my classes are a bit distant from each other, and besides I am not a fan of taking the schools bus or any bus for that matter, maybe I will do that this weekend.
"so where are we going?" I ask Chloe, She looks like she's thinking for a few minutes before she eventually replies "we are going to my favorite club and restaurant, it's called lounge 38, it's a really nice place you will like it trust me, plus my friends are going to meet us there, is that cool with you?" she says looking a bit worried.. Awn cute.. " Yh sure, I am totally cool with it, I need friends tho" trying to make her relax. Lounge 38? never heard of it will you its inside campus, be sensible..
Of course my subconscious says glaring at me. I ignore her for now, I'm not in her mood. We get to our destination soon enough it's not far from campus more Like a forty minute drive. We get down.. Woah..its a nice story building with three floors, one for club, another restaurant and the third floor for those who want to sleep over, it's really nice, I could easily crash here some day. Chloe grabs my arm to a sitting room where a group of people are sitting together on two couches and a table in the middle. "hey everyone, this is my new roommate Callie" Chloe says gesturing towards me. "hey" I say waving around the people in the room while she introduces each of them to me. "so Cal this is Karen, Zayn, Steph, Elliot, Neho" she says pointing to everyone sitting around the table, she looks confused like she's looking for someone. "um, Zayn where's that mean cute bastard, isn't he coming? I told him to meet us here" she says slightly annoyed. "he's here he went to get a drink-O look he's by the door coming towards us" Zayn points to a figure walking towards us with a red plastic cup in his mouth blocking his face partially, he stops when he gets to Chloe and brings down his cup to speak to her.
Adrien..... I gasp.. This seriously can't be happening.

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