Chapter 11

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Um hey guys.. Sorry it took long to update just that writers block kinda caught up With me, I had different versions for Chapter 10&11,i hope you like them
My song selection for this chapter :
Ed sheeran - thinking out loud
Simi& AG- stand by you
Ed sheeran - supermarket flowers
Selena gomez - stained
LSD- thunder clouds

Adrien's pov
Checking the time it's already four in the afternoon, I've only heard from Callie twice between yesterday and today, she didn't really stay long on either calls, she seemed preoccupied about something, I want to call her again, I need to take her somewhere today, I need to introduce her to the love of my life-before her. Picking up my phone I try calling her, she doesn't pick at all the first two times, I drop and try calling Chloe she picks up "hey, what do you want?" Chloe asks probably surprised I'm calling her "Yh, hey where's Callie, is she there with you?" I ask "na, she's in the bathroom, I will tell her you called" she says, oh that explains "Aight thanks, tell her I need to speak to her immediately when she comes back" I say to Chloe trying not to sound bossy "okay.. Click" she says "click" I repeat and we both hang up.. We both are used to doing that to each other, we are really close but we don't really do things like we used to do since she got together with Zayn, and I with Callie. Laying down back trying to play today and tomorrow in my head I hear my phone buzz, a specific tone I set for only one person- callie
the message reads, that's all? No babe or anything, I push the thought back and call her "hey babe" she says, that's better I smile to myself "you called, Chloe said you sounded desperate what's up" she says making me roll my eyes, of course typical Chloe. "I would be by your dorm in twenty minutes be ready" I say casually "why? where are we going?" she whines clearly not wanting to go out on a Sunday "you would see, just please get ready" I tell her "fine, I will, better don't be late" she says and hangs up.. Okay she's in one of those her famous moods.. Picking up a red sweat shirt and wearing my sneakers I head out.

Callie's pov
"fine I will, better don't be late" I say hanging up, I'm upset today not because of Adrien but because of the stores, one of the things I got for Adrien got messed up and mixed with someone else shit they ordered, I called back and almost yelled the hell out of them, they came to pick it up, but now the delivery guy said he would be back tomorrow morning. On the other hand I really don't like going out on Sundays, but I'm literally itching to see Adrien, I haven't seen him since three days ago, I wonder where we are going that can't wait, looking for what to wear i finally pick black ripped jeans with a white shirt and white sneakers before settling down to straighten my hair using Chloe's bed side mirror as my guide "where you going?" Chloe asks looking up from the book she was reading "no idea" I answer "how's the book coming?" I ask Chloe which makes her smile Instantly pleased to talk about it "well, I'm writing two right now and I actually like the way things are coming together" she says smiling mischievously "you're up to something.. Spill" i look at Chloe making her squirm "no I'm not" she says trying to hide her Smirk "fine, don't tell me, I would find out eventually" I say "like you can hack my laptop" she laughs "I'm not that good, but I know people who are really good" I smirk not looking at her knowing fully well she's looking at me "you wouldn't dare" she says and we both laugh while we continue to talk, my phone finally buzzes
*come down*
the text from Adrien reads "well gotta go" I say taking my head set "have fun lovebirds" she teases "Yh right" I smirk and leave.
"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I ask Adrien when he drives out the dorms parking lot "you would see" he repeats like he said earlier, I scuff and look out the window trying to think about other things, I reach for the cars speaker trying to play songs but Adrien turns it down making me look at him, he puts his hand on my thighs and looks away from the road for a second "you good?" he says sounding concerned "I'm fine" I reassure him and interlock our hands our fingers entwining perfectly, I take my other hand up to the speaker looking at him for approval he nods and I turn it up, we both start vibing immediately laughing at some parts when one of us says something wrong.
The ride takes like forever till he finally packs in what seems like a parking lot on the street with other cars. "we are here" he says releasing my hand "come on" he says as we both get down, getting to the front of the car he takes my hand again and we walk down a quite to quite place, iroko trees standing straight on each side of the walking area, it's like we are at a pack but a more serene version, we walk to a shop where Adrien buys a bouquet of hot red roses, we head out again following the same road till he stops in front of a tree placing the flowers down, it finally hits me when he says "sorry for taking long to come mother"

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