Chapter 4

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Adrien.. This can't be happening.
Adrien is talking to Chloe when Chloe turns to introduce me to him, "this is Callie, my roommate" she says gesturing to me. He eyes me fully before saying "hey"
you can't be serious, did he just say hey? We fucking live together you bitch.
Take it easy angry bird, He Prolly doesn't recognize you, He waved at you from afar remember?
My subconscious says soothing me.. Yh sure maybe there was no need to react like that "hey, I'm Callie, you most be Adrien right?" I say forcing myself not to keep eye contact. "um, Yh but I don't think Chloe has introduced me" he says looking confused, he and Chloe then turn to me expecting an answer.. "Yh, I know that, you actually live next door to me, remember you waved at me yesterday, before some girl dragged you away?". I say trying to look calm, "oh, Yh.. Now I remember you, and BTW the girl is my cousin"
Oh, I say relived- wait why? We are barely even friends. Chloe looks at us, opens her mouth to say something but shuts it, I wonder what she wanted to say. I look at Adrien for the last time, before letting Chloe drag me away back to sit next to her with the rest of our-Her Friends. I am sitting in between Chloe and Neho, He's drawing in a book full of white pages, I've always wanted one of those since I was in primary school.. I peak at what he's drawing and he closes the book instantly.Ouch.."sorry, I didn't mean to" I say really apologetically, I really didn't mean to be nosy I was just really curious about the book and what he was drawing
"na, it's okay, I just don't like people getting nosy especially around my sketches" he says smiling "Yh, I get, me to" I say and Neho's eyes brighten when I say that "you also have a drawing book? You also draw?" he says excitedly "Yh, I draw.. Not draw like people drawing and all that but just some random ideas, design, and patterns, I draw characters once in awhile too" I say smiling at him before continuing "I was actually looking at your drawing book, I've always wanted one of those since I was little but I couldn't find, so my mum and I just always got me jotters that had blank pages at the other side, I've a lot of those now since I draw a lot since I entered my year 10" I say. "wow, that's cute, I have a lot of this though, I can easily give you one, I have a pink one weirdly, I can give you" he says sweetly.
No way am I collecting any pink shit.
"really, Awn thanks that's so nice of you, but um please can you do me a favor and not give me the pink one, I really am not a fan of pink" I say pouting a little. Surprise is clearly written on his face "you don't like pink? That's a first" he says really surprised "all the girls I've known my whole life apart from Chloe, Steph and you don't like pink" he says and I smile happily, They don't? That's nice, at least now we have something in common. "Well, since we are off to a good start I suppose I can let you look at a little bit of my drawings for one minute tho" Neho says smirking. "Yh, I guess" I smile as he hands me the note book sketch pad. "your time starts now.. 1...2....3." Neho counts I can't help but laugh at his cuteness. The first page is a woman with afro in black and blue behind a large desk talking to a man, "Woah, that's nice" I tell neho. I keep scrolling, all the drawing looks really nice, I spot a drawing of Chloe drinking from the red cup, but as I am about to look at it fully he snatches the book from me and says "times up beautiful" he says playfully.. Awn he thinks I'm beautiful.. We are about to continue our talk from earlier on when Steph says "so what should we do guys?" she says drinking from the red cup, everyone starts making suggestions about what we should do, truth or dare, beer dunk, karaoke, never have i, and so many nice games, everyone gets along pretty well, Adrien is also suggesting along with the rest of us and I can't help but stare at him. "i see you got a crush on Mr all cute and handsome over there" Neho says gesturing to Adrien sitting on a single couch not that far from us. "what, no way, I.. I..was just looking at his earring its looks real nice" I say stammering thinking if that made sense. "Yh sure" neho says giving me the knowing look, "awn, come on neho you're also real cute and handsome, any one could look at the both of you and choose you over him any time" I say truthfully, he's actually more good looking than Adrien, Now that I look around, all the guys around the table are actually really good looking not just Adrien. "you think?" Neho says a slight blush appears on his face.. Awn.. "do u want a drink?" neho says after a bit of silence.. Let's see I haven't had a drink in a week because I've been to busy preparing for college, my mum said I was to addicted to them which I am definitely not I just love the soothing feeling. "yes I will have a drink thank you" I smile at neho.. "um.. Any specific one" he says raising an eyebrow, "na any one you can find is cool" i say to him and he nods leaving me with the rest. "so what game are we playing?", I ask referring to everyone. "oh we finally decided on beer dunk, then after that maybe we could play truth or dare or something" Karen says to e "oh OK" I say nodding my head. The table is been cleared for the cups to be set, Chloe and Karen are arranging cups on each side of the table. "OK everyone, pick your team mate, I gat no time to spear" Elliot says. He moves to where Steph is and snakes his arm around her waist making me wonder if they were a pair cause they did look really good together if they were, she leans into his touch giggling as he kisses her neck "I obviously will be with my babe" Elliot says confirming my thoughts. Everyone picks their partner, which leaves Adrien, neho and I, Where is neho anyway? "hey I am back, sorry I took so long, the kitchen was parked with a lot of people" he says handing me over a red cup "thanks" I say raising the cup to my nose.. Mmm .. It's vodka.. The chocolate one.. Nice. I take a nice long gulp then focus my attention back on neho, "so we are playing beer dong, do you want to play?" I say to Neho "Yh sure" he says taking my hand to where everyone is around the table.
There are two sets Since we are all eight "hey Adrien are you not playing?" Zayn says nodding to Adrien... "na, I'm cool, I like to watch" he says smirking
The first set play-Elliot and Steph win, My set comes up-I and neho win our round making Steph and Elliot go against neho and I to play the finals. Steph is really good, she almost wins, the ball almost hits my cup, but I Bat the ball back making it bounce back on the table landing in Stephs cup,There are screams,I Jump, neho laughs, we win cling cups and head back to our chairs everyone laughing and having a good time, just like I used to in high school.. We all start talking at once again, Steph and Elliot doing couples shit.. Karen and Zayn fighting over food.. Lmao.. Adrien.. I spot him staring at me.
When I focus my attention on him he looks away immediately
Coward.. My sub sneers.
We all play never have i ever for a long time, everyone drinking when something they have done comes up, i am having fun but I'm getting tired, I check the time on my phone it's already three o'clock, I could be awake all night on a Friday night but not on a Sunday night, I have school in a few hours, actually we all have school in a few hours, I start to search for Chloe and spot her on Zayn's laps, "hey Chloe, when are we leaving its my first day tomorrow yunno, I don't want to over sleep" I say clearly not wanting to go but having to go, "correction, today's your first day, but sure whatever you can drive right?" Chloe asks me smiling
"Yh why?" I ask confused., "you can use my car, I'm going to stay over at Zayns place" she smiles "you sure?" I ask while She nods fishing for her keys in her purse and giving me. "Zayn, don't let my girl down" I say and wink at him "u bet" he says smiling, he pulls Chloe close which Makes her giggle, I walk away from them laughing, I find neho soon enough and tell him I am leaving we talk for a while, then I hug him thanking him for keeping me company through out the night, he shrugs nonchalantly but I can see the blush on his cheeks and the smile tugging at the end of his lips. I tell everyone bye including Adrien, they all whine clearly sad I'm going "are you coming for our next party?" Elliot asks me "Yh sure, I love parties" I say smiling at everyone again then finally head out the door. I find Chloe's car five minutes later and drive back to our hostel, finally getting in I undress and head for the showers, wrapping my hair once I'm out as usual with a separate towel.. I Pick out my outfit for tomorrow.. Today.. Since it's already three fifty, hang it on an hanger, wear my shorts with a free tank top and head to bed, I think for a while about my day, and how I fit in perfectly, i've always been wild, it's my life, no shy girl thrash and all that shit.. My group has been brought back to life.. I think of neho and everyone else and how nice they where then Adrien.. Why was he so mute through out the party? He spoke actually, but to other people else where-Mostly girls.. My sub points out. Not my problem, Well that's his.. I close my eyes finally dreaming of a blonde head and a brown eyed guy called.. Adrien.

A/N : hey guys tell me how you're liking the story your comments mean a lot thanks❤️❤️

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