21. The Quest Begins

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~Heathrow Airport, London, 2015~

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~Heathrow Airport, London, 2015~


~Third Person's POV

Amidst the hustle bustle of the overwhelmed crowd, he dragged his luggage towards the escalators which were leading to the waiting area for those who were traveling through the international flights. The announcement for several flights echoed throughout the busy and capacious terminals of the 'Heathrow Airport'.

He sat there silently, staring at the marble floor beneath his feet, while his haphazard thoughts motioned towards the events from the last night. 

Mr. and Mrs.Shehroze had strictly forbidden him from traveling but he was adamant about his wish since three days. He was continuously begging to them to grant him one last chance but they weren't in a mood to listen to any of his rants as they did not want him to travel through such a long distance and that too, in such a vulnerable state. 

"If I didn't reach there on time, I would have to regret about it later!" 

He held his head in his hands with anger and hurriedly walked to and fro across the corridor, trying to explain his desperation and helplessness to his parents.

"You simply don't understand boy! You are not in a state to travel! We can't let you fly to Pakistan in this state!" Mr. Shehroze barked upon Shahveer for the umpteenth time.

"I am absolutely fine Baba! It's you who is not understanding! I can travel on my own now. I need her, I need to ask for forgiveness, I need to confess each and everything to her before it gets too late. It has already been six months and I can't delay it anymore, please try to understand! "

He begged once again, while his olive green eyes started to dwell up with a storm of salty tears.

"But my son___"

"I will die Mom, I will die from the guilt of the sin which I have committed!"

He interrupted his mother to which both of them stared him back with horror.

"The more it will be delayed, the more I will start loosing each and every tiny fragment of my consciousness, my sanity!"

He sobbed like a child.

While his parents looked at him with complete shock.

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