Parallel Worlds.

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You've already given such words to our celebration of colours that I've nothing else to add. I have a feeling that these colours that you see all around us today, will be imprinted forever on this soil. I'm no fortune teller, but I know for sure people would die to experience 'Brij Ki Holi' once in their lifetime, for ages to come. This is how it'll be done from here on, just because we did it first and with all the love in the world. 'Brij Ki Holi' or Holi itself, is our gift to our people and I'm super-proud of it!

Wait, that sounds so much like you! It's you who always keeps talking of eternities, the future, legacy and all those big, faraway words. I'm an innocent milkmaid who only knows, talks of and lives in the present. Now that's what you call, 'sangat ka asar'!

But I'll have to say this – you've made me believe in eternity. I look into those enigmatic eyes of yours and I think there's a world beyond Vrindavan, beyond everything I've ever known, where only you and I exist. It is, in fact, similar to Brij... but vastly different too. I've never seen it, not even in my imagination, but I've felt it all right. I can feel memories from that parallel world swarm all around me whenever you are around. It is an inexplicable feeling, a long-lost connection, but it is there and I'm sure of it. It is that thread of connection which makes me so fearless. My heart aches at the thought of you going away, but in my heart of hearts, I know there's a thread that binds us beyond the limits of time and space. And so, even though losing you is my greatest fear, I'm surprisingly fearless too!

Enough of the parallel world now, let's come back to our Brij! What was that absolutely nonsensical rant of you being a 'kid' and wanting to have 'fun'? Narayan knows you've had the most 'fun' anyone can have in a lifetime, and most likely will continue to do so all your life. Mere things like marriage cannot stop Gokul's head prankster from having fun! Besides, you cannot act all innocent with me. Dau already mentioned how you went all red like a ripe tomato at the mention of our wedding by Maiyya!

Parallel worlds are okay, but why not live together in this world too while we have the chance? Don't you worry about letters, we'll still continue writing even if we are in the same room. Can you imagine? That cosy, warm and familiar home of yours will be mine! I would not have to look for excuses to roam around there. No more teasing from Maa, Yashoda Maiyya, the gopis and everyone else. I'll pick out clothes for you, you'll tell me which flowers to put on, we'll go shopping together, we'll sit in all pooja ceremonies together, I'll help Maiyya make the sweetest maakhan for you, every day... and the best part – you'll be my personal chef like you promised! No more taking opposite paths to reach home... we'll travel together and come back home together, to the same place at the same time. We know it, but then the world will know as well, without us explaining – this is Radha's Krishna and that is Krishna's Radha!

Oh Kanha... my hands are shaking with excitement even as I write this. Narayan only knows what'll happen when this actually comes true! I'll probably die of happiness, if that's even possible.

Eternally yours, and a bit too excited,


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