30 - The Return Of The Thieves

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"I think, Mycroft...that you should stop being so hard on Elizabeth."

"Oh?" Mycroft quirked his eyebrow at hearing his brother's statement.

The government official leaned back in his chair, in his office. Sherlock stood in front of his desk, hands behind his back, head held high as though he were addressing a colonel. It was only two days after their conversation in 221B and Sherlock was determined to get Mycroft to lay off of Elizabeth. The look Mycroft have him, spurred him on to elaborate what he meant.

"Elizabeth is on our side. She's done good work. She's helped with cases. She risked her own life to help save me from  Scarlett. Therefore, I think she has proved more than trustworthy and should be given the right to roam freely without John and myself by her side. I also...think you shouldn't exploit her skills."

"We've already exploited her skills, Sherlock. Particularly yourself."

"No, I mean you, Mycroft. Elizabeth's said and we've heard it with our own ears that you are planning on using her abilities for...operations of sorts. I think it's in all of our best interests that we don't choose to put her through something such as that to make her lose trust in us. To gain trust, we have to give trust."


"Yes, Mycroft?"

"Tell me something." He leaned forwards, resting his arms on the desk, "What do you see in Elizabeth?"

"A good woman with a strong moral compass, an incredible skillset and a...rough past. Why?"

"Hm. Yes. Now you see, that's where we differ. For I see a self-centred kleptomaniac who likes to side with the person who has the best offer and isn't afraid of lying through her teeth."


"Why? She attempted to steal government secrets simply for a more than decent payday, she stole three, nay not one, but three crystal ashtrays from Buckingham Palace - "

"Actually, Mycroft, I took one of those ashtrays."


"I just thought you might want the whole truth before you continue."

"And she still hasn't brought you to Moriarty yet, despite being self-proclaimed 'family' with him. Wouldn't you expect her to have some idea of the kinds of places he would go if they were as close as she says?"

"She's a good person - "

"A leopard cannot change its spots, Brother Mine. You'll only get hurt if you invest this much hope in her. So stop."

"What do you mean?"

"I can tell you are fond of her, Sherlock."

"Pft." He shook his head, indenial, and then realised that actually his brother was right for once.

"If your feelings will persist in being unable to open your eyes to the truth then might I suggest we organise a different housing arrangement for Miss Parrish?"

"No." The detective said a little too quickly, "Elizabeth is one of us now. She stays with us."

"She's sleeping on your sofa - "

"We have an arrangement. We alternate between the sofa and the bed."

Mycroft let out an exasperated sigh. He didn't realise how attached Sherlock would get to her. And that worried him. His gut told him bad things would happen and he was only trying to look out for his younger brother.

"Sherlock, I'm just trying to prevent you from getting - hurt."

"Since when did you care if I get hurt or not?"

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