35 - Victor Breako

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A/N - A wee cameo from another older actor that I likes quite a lot 😂

He may be Australian but for the purposes of this Rodger Corser is the British Agent Victor Echo.

He's in a show called The Heart Guy/Doctor Doctor depending on where you live 😊

Also this chapter is the longest one yet, so get a warm drink, some treats, get comfy and enjoy! ❤


Elizabeth contacted Victor and a day before the party, they arranged to meet at 221B. They were to discuss their plan and the cover and run it by Sherlock and John to see if seemed real enough.

"It's so much pointless stuff to remember. Am I really going to stick around long enough to talk to anyone? Probably not." Elizabeth threw the papers down in front of her on the table, fed up with the information overloading her brain.

Elizabeth put her head on the table and groaned, inwardly despising her choices that brought her here. Victor hadn't even arrived yet and she was having a meltdown.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Elizabeth. You just have to relax." John reassured her.

"The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to forget it." Sherlock added.

She mumbled, her head still on the table, "Not helping!"

And then the doorbell went. Elizabeth shot up, speeding out of the door and down the stairs. She didn't want an accomplice, didn't need one but Mycroft thought she did. For Mycroft's sake, she hoped this guy wouldn't get in her way or there would be hell to pay.

She opened the door open a little too eagerly and was all ready to kick up a fit until she acknowledged the man standing there.

He blinked. She blinked too.

"Little eager to see me, aren't we darling?"

He was tall - possibly taller than Sherlock which was nice. Not that she didn't like Sherlock but - his hair was short, sandy blonde, prematurely greying on his side burns. His eyes were a friendly brown. All around, she thought that he was a very amicable looking person. Very, very nice to look at.

"Uh - hi."

"Hello." He greeted, shuffling on his feet, a rather beautiful smile upon his face, "Not what you expected?"

"No, no - not at all - well, kind of - just - " She shook her head, trying to snap out of whatever it was she was going through, "Sorry, why don't you come in? Wait, it is Victor, right?"

"Yes. Agent Victor Echo." He gave a sarcastic salute, "At your service, Miss Parrish."

Elizabeth laughed through her nose as she invited him in, "Just head up the stairs. Door's open, you can't miss it."

Elizabeth watched him as he went up the stairs, a bit entranced by his looks. She didn't know what she was expecting Victor to look like but whatever it was was an understatement to the reality. Mrs Hudson had been hovering behind her, also watching him travel up the stairs.

"He is quite the looker, isn't he?"

The thief practically jumped out of her skin, "Oh! It's only you."

Mrs Hudson chuckled, "A bit distracted by him, I see?"

"Well...I guess you could say that." She nodded, "But he is such a - beautiful man."

Mrs Hudson smiled, "I have to agree. But I'd be careful."


"Because of Sherlock, of course! I've seen you two getting closer - "

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