41 - It's Obvious!

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A/N - MINI RANT: I did not want this photo. It was not the one I wanted. I COULD PICTURE IT SO CLEARLY - and yet could not find it 😂😂😂

Anyways, enjoy the chapter, my lovelies!


It was safe to say their second kiss had changed things.

They still weren't too sure of what to call it, but they knew it was something. They had something and they were happy to have that until they were more comfortable around each other.

In the days after their kiss, John had become increasingly aware of the more at ease atmosphere, their more frequent glances towards each other and their occasional touching of hands. He was convinced they had sorted whatever issues they were having - the real question though, was were they together-together now? This, the doctor struggled to deduce by himself.

The thief and detective were more affectionate towards each other but more so when no one was around. Like the rare hugs in secret from the detective, the little kisses became just as hidden. Admittedly, it was a little more fun like that when the others didn't know.

Both didn't feel quite comfortable admitting anything in a full statement as of yet. They just wanted to test the waters first and make sure that their something wasn't nothing.

This would be understandable, of course, if explained to John out loud.

But, it hadn't.

So on the Sunday when they were all sat around the kitchen table, including Mrs Hudson, having breakfast, he thought it the best time to ask.

Especially when Sherlock, who had a light pink blush in his cheeks, looked over the top of his newspaper at Elizabeth who smirked after shuffling in her seat. She was attempting to play footsie with him as she found it amusing when he tried badly to pretend like nothing was happening.

"So," John began as he cut up his egg on toast, "Have you two resolved your issues yet?"

Both thief and detective looked at him like lighting to mask the effort of bringing their legs back under their own chairs.

"Sorry, John?" Elizabeth said.

Sherlock was mouthing 'don't' at the doctor. But John didn't care. He wanted to be right and so he would be right and he would confirm it.

"Oh, surely it's quite obvious, John." Mrs Hudson added, quite unexpectedly to everyone.

Sherlock enquired, "What is, Mrs Hudson?"

"Well, it's clear to see!"

The three blinked at her, totally lost.

She sighed, "I'm not blind! Oh, I think it's lovely that you two boys have asked Elizabeth to be a surrogate! I think it's fantastic!"

Elizabeth choked on her tea. Sherlock just closed his eyes in despair and John threw his knife and fork down on his plate.

Both men said loudly, "We're not gay!!"

While Elizabeth had simultaneously said, "Not a surrogate."

Mrs Hudson chuckled, "Oh, you should have seen the looks on your faces," She took a breath, "Well, it's either that or you two," She gestured to the thief and detective, "Are finally a couple!"

Again the three stopped. This time Sherlock hid behind his newspaper and Elizabeth just went back to drinking her tea while staring at the table. John looked from Mrs Hudson, to Sherlock, to Elizabeth and back to the landlady again, stunned. Naively, John thought he would be the only one that had noticed but he guessed not.

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