53 - Intimate

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A/N - ASiB story line is almost over! I'm so proud of myself for making it this far considering I lose interest in stories I write far too often for wanting to be a writer 😥

But I'm doing it! I'm following a plan (straying from it occasionally along the way) but still sticking to it!

And thank you so much all of you lovely readers and commenters 😄 seeing the read count go up slowly and reading all of your comments really brightens my day so thank you so so SO much! 😁


There was a knock at the door.

Elizabeth was sat on top of the remade bed, on her side. She was faced away from the door in a fetal position, trying so hard not to cry. She loved Sherlock, she knew she did, because when his gaze was stuck on others it hurt the most. He hadn't cheated, she knew that too, but the fact that he was just allowing Irene to say and do such things to him really truly hurt her.

Especially when this new little family was all she had. She just wanted to keep her new nest together.


"Can I come in?"


"Elizabeth, I - please. Let me in."

"No, Sherlock. Go away. Go solve that stupid case of yours and leave me alone."

John silently approached the detective from behind and placed a hand on his shoulder, saying in a hushed tone, "Just leave her for now, Sherlock. She needs to cool down. And you actually need to think about what you're going to say because this isn't just going to be a simple sorry."

Sherlock sighed, looking at the closed door longingly before walking with John back to the living room.

"Where's Irene?" The detective asked.

"I sent her upstairs to my apartment while we talk."

Sherlock nodded, an amused look crossing his face. They were going to 'talk'.

John went to sit in his chair, "So..."

Sherlock sat opposite John as he so often did, "So you're a couple's counsellor now, are you John? I'm impressed considering you can barely keep a girlfriend for longer than two months."

"Sherlock." John glared at him.

"What? It's true..."

"I am just trying to help." John said sincerely, "Sherlock, she has no one else. And we've welcomed her into our - family. It's our job as family to take care of family. We all know what Irene is trying to do - "

"Seduce me?"

"Yes, exactly - "

"I know. I am not oblivious to the physical and verbal expressions of interest. How do you think I saw Elizabeth was somewhat interested in Victor?"

"Well there you go." John sat back in his chair, "If you know that, why aren't you stopping Irene? Just as Elizabeth said, you weren't doing anything to discourage her."

"I - " Sherlock had no words.

"You - what?" Then it clicked, "You really like the attention don't you? It's that or you really do like her too?"

Sherlock just stared at John, conflicting emotions flashed through his eyes. There was something about Irene that he felt drawn to. The Dominatrix was interesting. But he still liked Elizabeth more so than Irene. The attention was always nice although he wouldn't admit it in so many words out loud.

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