42 - Must You Run Now?

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A/N - idk about you all but I love a bit of old music!

In this chapter, I feature a song called "Stay Awhile" by Dusty Springfield towards the end. I highly recommend you listen to it an her music in general - the video is attached!



She hadn't realised how much she had missed the Belle Vue apartment building until she stood outside it once again, looking up at its grand height, still in love with how all the odd turned on apartment lights made it seem almost like a Christmas Tree.

Except this time it might be a killer Christmas Tree.

"Way to ruin a view." She muttered to herself as she walked inside.

There was no receptionist at the desk which she found odd - there was always a receptionist. Unless Jim had had something to do with it? She prayed to God that he didn't. And if he did, she hoped it was something minor like bribery. Without wanting to question it further, Elizabeth took this chance to head to the elevator and up to her old apartment.

The elevator ride was painfully slow and seemed to be full of a lot of thinking energy.

What if he killed her?

Elizabeth was quite keen on breathing. She enjoyed living. She also didn't know if she could bring herself to kill Jim in self-defense if absolute need be.

The lift doors slid open and she stepped out, gingerly walking down the hall until she stopped outside her old apartment door. Music echoed from inside. He always was a bit extravagant, she guessed. Or maybe that would be to mask her screams as he brutally killed her? She knew he wouldn't be adverse to the idea.

"Dear God, Irene, you better be right." Elizabeth took a breath before opening the door and walked in.

Her dining room table had a candle on it, lit by a dancing flame. It was the only source of light in the flat. Two plates also lay on the table. She almost smiled - Jim always was melodramatic about things. Listening closer to the music, she could hear the the mellow tune of Dusty Springfield's Wishin' And Hopin' flow from her TV. She squinted in the dark of her flat - where was Jim?

The music stopped suddenly and Jim appeared from out of the shadows of the apartment, arms open wide a bright smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Lizzie."

She gulped, "What is this, Jim?"

His hands fell by his sides and he looked at her in disbelief, "I haven't seen you in four months and this is the greeting I get?"

"You've tried to kill me."

"No, no, no, no. No." He took a breath, "Come on, Lizzie. I thought you were smarter than this."

"You tried to shoot me! What else am I supposed to think you're doing? Gifting me with a piece of metal to keep me company six feet under?"

Jim chuckled, amused by her small outburst. Her frustration was precious. He had missed her.

"If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. Think about it."

And think about it she did. Jim did have a point. Perhaps Irene was right? He didn't want to kill her? At least not until she revealed she would be going back to Sherlock.

"Shaun was always the target. I only had Shaun killed because he was busy telling you where one of my safe places were. I'm a business man, Lizzie. My clients expect my network to be fully professional and confidential. Couldn't very well let a little tattle-tail like him go on, could I?"

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