33 - Keeping Her Happy

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Elizabeth and Sherlock were sat in Scotland Yard's canteen. The thief had calmed down now, thanks to Sherlock's reassurance. Both had tea in front of them. Sherlock was actually making the effort to drink it but Elizabeth just held it and hopelessly stared down into the beige liquid.

"You're not just scared of Mycroft having you arrested, are you?" He asked this quietly.

She gave a miniscule shake of her head.

"You're afraid you'll enjoy it?"

Elizabeth gave a barely noticeable nod.

Kleptomaniac was the word that sprung into Sherlock's mind now, as ever voiced by Mycroft in his mind palace. So the stealing was a problem for her as the drugs were for a user - not an addict - like himself. But she was obsessive over it. He didn't think that she would need to know about his drugs 'issues'. He had been clean for a while now. No matter in mentioning them.

"Maybe not enjoy it but - when Jim gave me jobs, it quashed that need to steal petty things. I could live off the high for long enough until he had another job for me. I asked to join you on cases because I was being driven insane by knowing that I couldn't leave the flat to steal anything and that I couldn't steal anything in the flat because there would be no point. You, John or Mrs Hudson would notice. I'm afraid I'll have to rely on the missions like I've been relying on the cases." Elizabeth never looked up when she spoke.

"We can get you help - "

Her eyes darted up from the tea, "I don't want help. I just want to move on."

"Even you've admitted that you're struggling."

"I've looked up help before. Help means seeing a therapist. I don't want that."

"There's also medication you can take - "

"I don't want to be reliant on drugs either. I just want to move past it."

Sherlock's brow hooded over his eyes which radiated concern for her wellbeing. He knew you couldn't help a person unless they came to you for help. He then thought he would wait. Sherlock would wait for Elizabeth to come to him. And if it got worse then they would have to stage an intervention, like Mycroft, John, Mrs Hudson and all the rest had done for him at various points in time.

"Okay." He said.

Her gaze returned to her tea.

Lestrade appeared in the canteen, heading straight for the two of them.

"Listen, we've had to let Amber go because - "

"You don't have evidence to keep her. We know." Elizabeth finished for him.

Greg nodded, worry lacing his tone, "Yeah. Are you okay?" He then silently mouthed to Sherlock 'Is she okay?'

"I'm fine, thank you, Greg."

Sherlock nodded for the detective to leave them. With a reluctant smile, Lestrade left them as Sherlock finished his tea.

"I suppose we should head back to Baker Street then?"

"I don't know why you ask me. It's not like I have a choice." There was a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"I think Mycroft will let you off the hook soon enough."

"I bloody hope so if he's going to have me go on missions for him."

"He will. I'll see to it that he will."

Elizabeth looked up at Sherlock with a more playful smile, "You think you have so much control over your brother."

"I do." He insisted, "He said he 'cared' about me. Mycroft's own words. I'm sure I can use that to my advantage."

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