[ 2 ] Till The Eternity

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Six Months Later

Randhir and Jason reached Knight Mansion to meet Lucas. Of course they decided to hang out today. Boys hang out while girls have some another plans for today. They walked inside mansion but their legs stopped in middle seeing messed living room and saw two figures lying on floor covered with green, red, brown color sauce. Food were lying everywhere in room, on wall, on sofa, on antique piece.

"Lucas, what happened here?" Jason asked walking up to him and helped him in getting up while Randhir helped that woman in standing up carefully not to damage his suite.

"It's all her fault." Lucas said throwing dagger at her.

"You buffalo... it's fucking your fault." She said trying to reach her but Randhir hold her by waist and stopped her.

"You tried to snatch my food Swatantra Acharjee." He shouted at her.

(Note : Baby I told you I will take revenge. It's your surprise.)

"Stop calling me Acharjee. I am Swatantra Knight and I will cut your tongue if you speak my surname wrong. I am your wife and I have right to eat your food." She shouted back angrily.

"Will you both stop fighting like kid?" Jason screamed coming between them.

"How the hell you guys stay under one roof?" Randhir asked with disbelief.

"Don't know." They said in union and he shook his head.

"Swatu, you go and get ready. My wife is waiting for you at Shekhawat mansion. And Lucas you don't get ready in twenty minutes then we will leave from here." Randhir said in stern voice.

They both just glared at each other and went to their respective room. Jason called maid and asked her to clean this mess. Randhir also called his PA and asked him change furniture of Lacas's mansion. They both walked out of mansion and went to backyard.

"Can't believe they were fighting for foods?" Jason said slumping on wooden chair.

"You have to believe on it." Randhir said sitting on another chair.

After good twenty minutes Lucas come and they went to car and sat inside it. Randhir was driving while Lucas was on back seat and Jason was on passenger seat.

"What was that? How can you fight with an innocent woman like Swatu?" Randhir asked raising his brows at him.

"She is not woman. She is disaster of my life. I don't know what has gotten on me when I agreed to marry her for piece of land. I don't even share my food and I have to share my life with her. She won't let me eat properly." He groaned loudly.

"Thank God I am married to a woman who fed me delicious food without snatching it from me. We even share food unlike you guys." Jason explained with sweet smile.

"It is because you both are not foody. We can't stand each other." He said rolling his eyes.

Randhir and Jason shook their head as nothing is going to change between them. Don't know what will happen in future?

(I know what will happen in Future? Don't worry Randhir and Jason I will make everything right between them. You guys have writer's words. Hahaha...)


Shekhawat Mansion

Swatu walked inside mansion and engulfed by Subhi.

"What happened? Why your mood is off?" Subhi asked seeing her upset.

"Same old drama. I can't live with that man. He always messed up with my food." She said with loud groan and Subhi laughed.

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