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Arnav stood in the middle of an unknown road . He was frantic , searching for something or rather someone.  " Arnavji " a soft voice called out . Her voice . He followed it . " Why does it happen ? Why does my heart beat faster when I'm near you ? Why Arnavji ? . This time he ran towards the source of sound . Suddenly he was standing in the lounge room of Shantivan . White satin drapes hung all around him . "  I told you right , the best  day of your life and the worst day of mine would come ..... I'd Die..." the voice whispered.

" Khushi !! " Arnav woke up with a jolt . It was a nightmare . Tears pricked his eyes . He couldn't breathe . His Di had been right .

It was almost six in the morning .

Arnav looked in the mirror after washing his face . " It was just a nightmare . " He calmed himself . He needed some air he decided .

Arnav sat on one of the lounge couches . His hands on his head. He was thinking of ways to untangle his meshwork of mistakes. As much as he dreaded to face Khushi, he knew he had to do it. To Apologise.  He knew it was the first step. He also knew a sorry wouldn't be enough, but it was a start .

His chain of thoughts were broken by the clatter of utensils . Who is it this early in the morning?  He thought .
He walk towards the kitchen and wasn't amused by the person who stood there . He decided to look at her from afar .

A small smile formed on his lips as he saw her working , she was preparing some kind of batter. For Jalebis , he assumed . His smile disappeared as he saw her blanched face. She was wearing her white night suit that usually radiated her skin, but today it emphasised her paleness. Her big eyes were lifeless and dull, and hair tied up in a tight knot . She looked so not herself. His chest clutched

Arnav hesitantly moved towards her , he knew he wouldn't get time in the later part of the day  to talk to her. His heart thudded louder with every step he took. His mind went into flashback mode .

"I will tell you why it happens " he'd said as he gently placed her soft palm over his had chest letting her feel his equally erratic heartbeat . " It happens because , along with yours , my heartbeat also races . OUR heartbeats become as one."

As beautiful as that moment was , Arnav came back to the present. He needed to focus . These memories gave him strength and even little hope.

Now in the Kitchen, " Khushi?" , he called out . His voice trembled slightly.

Startled , Khushi dropped the ladle into the batter bowl with a clink . She wasn't expecting anyone at this hour let alone Arnav. But she didn't respond. She turned her attention back to mixing the the batter , her hand almost strangling the ladle's handle.

"Khushi ..I'm sorry " Arnav spoke again. "I'm really really sorry . Will you give me chance to explain ? " Arnav asked trying hard not to break down.

" Did you give me a chance to explain Arnavji ? " She asked still not facing him.

Usually , it angered Arnav when anyone did not face him while he talked to them but probably for the first time in his life , it hurt him.

" Khushi ..."

" Please leave me alone Arnavji " She cut him .

" Khushi ...." he moved closer to her .
Not wanting to focus on him , Khushi started spiralling the batter rather vigorously. Hot oil spluttered . Arnav hissed at the contact of hot oil on his forearm.

"Arnavji!!! " Khushi reacted reflexively,  examining the wound . She switched the stove off and pulled him to the sink . As the cold water hit his skin,
he hissed again, pulling his arm away .

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